
“当下时刻”含玄义 The profound meaning of “the present moment “

1. “The present moment” is usually explain as “here and now”.  FAQ1: When we say “here and now “, what happens to “there and then “? That is, what happens to the past and future moments? “当下时刻”时常被解释为“此时此处”。 FAQ1 是:当我们说“此时此处”, 那“彼时彼处”跑去哪里了?也就是说,过去和未来的时刻跑去哪里了?

2. Firstly, let's examine the profound meaning of "now". People often mistake "now" as a segment of time when it actually serves as "the entrance of the eternity". Through "now", we are meeting the future as well as the past. 首先, 让我们检验“此时”的玄义。人们时常误以为“此时”只是一个时间的碎片,殊不知它起着“永恒的入口处”的神奇作用。通过“此时”,我们与过去和未来相遇(过去还没过去,未来已经来了),证得了永恒的大自在。

3. Secondly, let's examine the profound meaning of "here". People often mistake "here" as a segment of space when it actually serves as "the centre of the universe". Through "here", we are enjoying the vastness of the universe with a sense of total freedom. 其次,让我们检验“此处“的玄义。人们时常误以为”此处“只是一个空间的碎片,殊不知它起着“宇宙的中心点”的神奇作用。通过“此处”,我们受用广阔无边的空间,证得了终极维度的大自由。

4. Last but not the least, let's examine the profound meaning of "the present moment". People often mistake "the present moment" as a fixed moment and has nothing to do with the past and the future moments when it is actually serves as "a precious gift of life". Through "the present moment", we heal and nourish our lives and live in peace and happiness. 最后而且最重要的是,让我们检验“当下时刻”的玄义。人们时常误以为“当下时刻”只是一个固定的时刻,殊不知它是“一份生命的厚礼”。通过“当下时刻”,我们得以疗愈且滋养生命,并活在宁静和喜悦之中。

