

1. Free your body from tensions and relax. Relax your body and let the whole body breathe. 放松身体吧,让全身的每一个细胞都能够自在地自由呼吸👃

2. Free your Gut from fear and be brave. Have the gut to explore and discover the truth of everything in your life by smiling to all challenges and suffering you face right now. All these challenges and sufferings are all opportunities to learn and grow in disguise. 解放心灵吧,不再畏惧,不再退缩,勇敢面对生活和生命中的种种挑战和苦难吧!这些挑战和苦难都是学习和成长的机会所伪装的。

3. Free your mind from doubts and be clear and sharp so as to keep on learning, unlearning and relearning till you touch the ultimate dimension of your life. 回归正念吧,即使脑海中的种种疑惑的乌云无法消除,你也一样可以明明白白地享受“万里无云万里天”的生命境界。学无止境,你还要继续坚持下去,直到获得自我实现的“顶峰体验”为止。

4. Free your heart from hatred and embracing loving-kindness and compassion starting from self-love and self-compassion so as to heal and nourish your life in the present moment. 回归慈悲吧,放下怨恨的垃圾情绪,提起以“自我慈爱”和“自我悲悯”为起点的“无缘大慈”和“同体大悲”吧!唯有慈悲心,能够在当下疗愈和滋养你的生命。

