
Stewardship 上天的管家【转载的基础上略加会通、点评】

1. Stewardship is a theological belief that humans are responsible for the world, and should take care and look after it. Believers in stewardship are usually people who believe in one God who created the universe and all that is within it, also believing that they must take care of creation and look after it. Creation includes animals and the environment. 【崃按:基督教智慧传承的这个词语"Stewardship",意思跟《水浒传》所谓的“替天行道”十分接近!一般上中文把它翻译为“管家”,要知道“管家”的意思,就是说他“只有管理权,没有拥有权”。这个意思跟“身体是道器”的玄义,十分接近。所以,能够执行Stewardship的人,不是一般在名利场上打滚的人,而是已经开悟的人,也就是“与道同在”、“进入上帝的国度”的人。这样的人,他拥有心灵健康,他能够做到敬天爱人。他是人类物种中带头的人。】

2. A biblical world view of stewardship can be consciously defined as: "Utilizing and managing all resources God provides for the glory of God and the betterment of His creation." The central essence of biblical world view stewardship is managing everything God brings into the believer's life in a manner that honors God and impacts eternity. 【崃按:不只是基督教智慧传承有这个包含“出世间意义”的“管家”妙悟妙语,儒释道与一切宗教也都有。佛家所谓的“把身体借给佛菩萨使用”,便是这个意思。儒家所谓的“君子喻于义”,表达的就是君子一心渴望与追求圣贤的生命境界,在生活的方方面面都专注于一个“义”字,来做好“管家”的工作。】

3. Stewardship begins and ends with the understanding of God's ownership of all【崃按:Stewardship的“原始反终”之处,在于体悟“一切都应该归功于上天,不可贪天之功,以为己功”】: 

  • "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." (Revelation 22:13) 【崃按:第一个和最后一个,是同一个!开端与结尾,不是两个东西,而是同一个东西。这就是佛家所谓的“不二”。这个“不二”是入道之门。】
  • "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." (Psalm 24:1) 【崃按:大地,大地上的一切物;世界,世界上的一切人。通通归属于造物主。】
  • "To the Lord your God belong the heavens, even the highest heavens, the earth and everything in it." (Deuteronomy 10:14) 【崃按:天地万物,从最高的天堂,到大地以及大地上的一切,通通归属于造物主。】
  • "The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants." (Leviticus 25:23) 【崃按(点评):大地是造物主搭建的舞台,我们都只是临时演员。】
  • "Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me." (Job41:11) 【崃按(翻译):谁有资格来向我收租?天底下的一切都归属我呢。】

