
The three timeless principles of I-Ching

0. The three timeless principles of I-Ching.  [Principle 1. Easy to know. Principle 2. Simple to follow. Principle 3. God has no religion. ]


1. Principle 1. Easy to know. 乾宫法则: 易则易知 “easy to know” means you need to put yourself in the state of fully at ease by practicing mindfulness; and, you know the full meaning of life effortlessly.

2. ⁠Principle 2. Simple to follow. 坤宫法则: 简则易从 “simple to follow” means simplifying yourself till you enter into the state of zero rubbish in your heart and mind; then, you will follow the way of full enlightenment effortlessly.

3. Principle 3. God has no religion. ⁠周易法则: 易简无善 “God has no religion” means everyone of us on this planet earth is the only child of God; that is, we should rise up and never be the same again.

