

0. 大哥大姐的神圣婚姻:周易第32卦恒卦的终身伴侣的金玉良缘【彻底觉醒的人的解读:人的教育教养的后天的生命能量;自身的金的象,自心的玉的象,其真意在于自身的有为自心的无为圆融无间,也就是身心合一外王之道实践历程【咸卦代表着宋明理学的陆王心学的学问精髓所在;恒卦代表着宋明理学的程朱理学的学问精髓所在;咸恒宫代表着宋明理学的炁学派的学问精髓所在。】

32. Hêng / Duration 恒卦【万变不离其宗,得其宗则可以不变应万变矣!生命现象变动不居,生命本体如如不动,今生今世的美妙人生在于即体即用、即用即体的圆融无间的神圣体验。永恒的人际关系,只是专注于自己的责任和义务,以照顾别人的权利和利益罢了。在恒卦的人生中,你就活在我的生命之中,而我也活在你的生命之中,你我的生命是圆融无间的一个共同体而不容分割为内外在、形上下、先后天。金玉良缘,法身的金,慧命的玉,法身慧命圆融无间的良缘,这就是曹雪芹通过《风月宝鉴》(《红楼梦》的书名之一)与世人分享的人生幸福的秘诀啊!可惜世人就像贾瑞一样,放不下内心的烦恼习气,正照宝鉴,枉送了性命!唯有反照,方能保命啊!都云作者痴,谁解其中味?】

above CHEN THE AROUSING, THUNDER 上卦震雷之动【自性法身的雷炁的发动处,顿教天降三世诸佛——天来小子曰:得象忘言,切勿迷信其言】
below SUN THE GENTLE, WIND 下卦巽风之入【自心慧命的清凉风的流行时,立马地涌十方菩萨——天来小子曰:得意忘象,切勿执着其象】

The strong trigram Chên is above, the weak trigram Sun below. 

This hexagram is the inverse of the preceding one恒卦是咸卦的覆卦。. In the latter we have influence, here we have union as an enduring condition咸卦讲的是感化,而恒卦讲的是结合. The two images are thunder and wind恒卦的二象是雷和风, which are likewise constantly paired phenomena正如泽和山的配对,这也是两个经常配对的自然现象. The lower trigram indicates gentleness within下面的三爻卦巽风表示内在的温柔; the upper, movement without上面的震雷则代表外在的行动. In the sphere of social relationships, the hexagram represents the institution of marriage as the enduring union of the sexes在社会关系的范畴,恒卦代表两性之间永久结合的婚姻关系. During courtship the young man subordinates himself to the girl在咸卦的男女恋爱的关系中,小弟把自己置身于小妹的从属地位, but in marriage, which is represented by the coming together of the eldest son and the eldest daughter然而,在大哥和大姐的夫妇婚姻的关系中, the husband is the directing and moving force outside,丈夫是在外边的支配和行动的力量 while the wife, inside, is gentle and submissive而妻子是在里边的温柔和从属的力量.【天来小子曰:薛宝钗和贾宝玉的婚姻悲剧,其根本原因在于贾宝玉没有扮演好他的角色,所以二人做不到不离不弃啊!】【天来小子曰:上卦是佩戴“莫忘莫失”的通灵宝玉的贾宝玉,下卦是佩戴“不离不弃”的沉甸金锁的薛宝钗。】




DURATION. Success. No blame. 恒:亨,无咎,
Perseverance furthers.
It furthers one to have somewhere to go.

彖曰:恒,久也。刚上而柔下,雷风相与,巽而动,刚柔皆应,恒。恒亨无咎,利贞; 久於其道也,天地之道,恒久而不已也。利有攸往,终则有始也。日月得天,而能久照;四 时变化,而能久成;圣人久於其道,而天下化成; 观其所恒,而天地万物之情可见矣!

恒,久也。Duration is a state whose movement is not worn down by hindrances. It is not a state of rest, for mere standstill is regression. 久於其道也,天地之道,恒久而不已也。利有攸往,终则有始也。Duration is rather the self-contained and therefore self-renewing movement of an organized, firmly integrated whole, taking place in accordance with immutable laws and beginning anew at every ending. The end is reached by an inward movement秋冬二季的收敛收藏, by inhalation, systole, contraction, and this movement turns into a new beginning, in which the movement is directed outward春夏二季的生发生长, in exhalation, diastole, expansion. 日月得天,而能久照;Heavenly bodies exemplify duration. They move in their fixed orbits, and because of this their light-giving power endures. 四 时变化,而能久成;The seasons of the year follow a fixed law of change and transformation, hence can produce effects that endure. 圣人久於其道,而天下化成。So likewise the dedicated man embodies an enduring meaning in his way of life, and thereby the world is formed. 观其所恒,而天地万物之情可见矣!In that which gives things their duration, we can come to understand the nature of all beings in heaven and on earth.


象曰:雷风,恒; 君子以立不易方。【天来小子曰:立,就是找到人生定位。中天下而立,顶天立地做大人。自强不息而又厚德载物,世界有尽而我愿无穷啊!】


Thunder and wind: the image of DURATION.雷风,恒;

Thus the superior man stands firm and does not change his direction. 君子以立不易方。【天来小子曰:至诚感通的独体的咸卦的真心,与天地同寿的诚体的恒卦的真身,顶天立地的道体的咸恒宫的真人。君子就是真人,不是假人、妄人!

Thunder rolls雷鸣, and the wind blows风行;  both are examples of extreme mobility 二者都富于动感and so are seemingly the very opposite of duration表面上看起来跟永恒是相反的, but the laws governing their appearance and subsidence, their coming and going, endure然而二者的行动都遵循着自然规律. In the same way the independence of the superior man is not based on rigidity and immobility of character. 同理,君子的独立性并不是基于不可变动的品格。He always keeps abreast of the time and changes with it君子永远与时俱进. What endures is the unswerving directive不变的是坚定不移的人生方向, the inner law of his being决定他的一切行动的内心的道德律, which determines all his actions.【天来小子曰:恒卦境界的君子啊,与天地精神独往来!


THE LINES【天来小子曰:金陵十二钗,恒卦六爻代表了以薛宝钗为核心的六钗】


Six at the beginning means:初六:

Seeking duration too hastily brings misfortune persistently.浚恒,贞凶,

Nothing that would further.无攸利。

Whatever endures can be created only gradually by long-continued work and careful reflection恒久的东西须通过持续积累与认真反省,才能被创造出来. In the same sense Lao-tse says: "If we wish to compress something, we must first let it fully expand." 老子说:将欲擒之,必先纵之。He who demands too much at once is acting precipitately, and because he attempts too much, he ends by succeeding in nothing.急于求成,反遭失败。过于莽撞,无法成功。【恒卦的初六爻对应金陵十二钗的妙玉。妙玉的判词是:欲洁何曾洁,云空未必空;可怜金玉质,终陷淖泥中。须知,妙玉和林黛玉是同一个谱系上的人物啊,只不过妙玉比林黛玉更为极端罢了!林黛玉葬花词唱的是:质本洁来还洁去,强于污淖陷渠沟;跟妙玉的判词隐隐呼应啊!说到底,妙玉修行还不到家,却摆出一副高高在上的架子,看不起刘姥姥,连刘姥姥喝过的杯子都嫌脏而不要了。一味追求出世间的境界,却不接地气,这就是妙玉的人生悲剧的根源所在啊!当一个人处于初爻的阶段,就必须打好基础,而不能一味好高骛远,这可说是曹雪芹通过妙玉命运,传达给世人的人生启示了。】



Nine in the second place means:九二:

Remorse disappears.悔亡。
The situation is abnormal九二,阳居阴位,反常. A man's force of character is greater than the available material power好比一个人品格力量大于可以动用的能源物资. Thus he might be afraid of allowing himself to attempt something beyond his strength因此他也许担心不能获得成功. However, since it is the time of DURATION, it is possible for him to control his inner strength and so to avoid excess. 然而,在恒卦的因缘时节里,他可以通过内在的自我管理来取长补短Cause for remorse then disappears.也就能够让内心的悔恨消失于无形了。【恒卦的九二爻对应金陵十二钗的贾探春。贾探春在“原应叹息”的“四春”姐妹中,是性格最为独立自主的一位,真可说是“身不得、男儿列;心却比、男儿烈”了!其亲生母亲是品格卑劣的赵姨娘,还有一个品格与其母同样卑劣的弟弟贾环,然而,探春出淤泥而不染,是一朵人人赞叹的清净莲花。最终,她远嫁他方,成为藩王的王妃,也正符合她高贵的品格啊!孔子的小象仿佛是专门给探春写的一样:探春之所以可以获得一个好的结局,



Nine in the third place means:九三:

He who does not give duration to his character不恒其德,
Meets with disgrace.或承之羞,
Persistent humiliation.

If a man remains at the mercy of moods of hope or fear aroused by the outer world, he loses his inner consistency of character一个人老是受到外部世界的希望与恐惧的情绪波动的干扰,他就会失去生命内部的诚恳正直的品格. Such inconsistency invariably leads to distressing experiences心口不一、言行不一的表现,就会导致不堪其辱的生命境遇和体验。. These humiliations often come from an unforeseen quarter.羞辱的体验根源于无明 Such experiences are not merely effects produced by the external world, but logical consequences evoked by his own nature.不仅仅是外部世界所施加给自己的(外缘),而是自身烦恼习气的合理后果(内因)。【天来小子曰:恒卦的九三爻对应金陵十二钗的秦可卿。唉,秦可卿淫丧天香楼,一朵鲜花插在牛粪上,怎么不让人惋惜呢?爬灰的爬灰,贾珍也实在是太不可爱了,哭的像个泪人,令人恶心啊!然而,一切都怪贾珍吗?秦可卿自己不需要为自己的人生负起责任吗?这个课题,大家可以来一场大辩论啊!】



Nine in the fourth place means:九四:

No game in the field.田无禽。

If we are in pursuit of game and want to get a shot at a quarry, we must set about it in the right way.好的开始就是成功的一半,好的开始指的就是出发点正确。 A man who persists in stalking game in a place where there is none may wait forever without finding any. 方向错误,不知悔改,笨死了!Persistence in search is not enough. What is not sought in the right way is not found.坚持是不够的,坚持正道才能有真正的收获。【天来小子曰:恒卦的九四爻对应金陵十二钗的薛宝钗!薛宝钗与林黛玉分庭抗礼,是《红楼梦》的二大菩萨;贾宝玉所处的是“钗黛兼美”的佛陀地位!林黛玉是解门,薛宝钗是行门;林黛玉代表道家的无为,薛宝钗代表儒家的有为。然而,《红楼梦》里的薛宝钗最终落得一个“守活寡”的悲剧下场,为什么?没有别的,就是解行不一而已矣!薛宝钗的内心放不下世间的功名富贵,导致她不能专注于扮演行门菩萨的角色,最终落得一个“田无禽”的下场。禽,指的是动物,不只是飞禽而已,这是禽字的本义,查字典就知道了。所以,田无禽,说的是出去田野打猎,却连一只动物也看不见。这是一个象啊,得象忘言,就明白“田无禽”说的是徒劳无功的意思啊!一辈子辛辛苦苦,到最后双手空空啊!曹雪芹不希望我们的人生落空啊,所以才用薛宝钗的下场来提醒我们啊!千万不要说,人生一定是薛宝钗这个结局,那么,曹雪芹泉下有知,也会伤心落泪的啊!



Six in the fifth place means:六五:

Giving duration to one's character through perseverance.恒其德,贞,

This is good fortune for a woman, misfortune for a man.妇人吉,夫子凶。

A woman should follow a man her whole life long, but a man should at all times hold to what is his duty at the given moment妇人一生从夫,而丈夫时时处处须尽自己本分的义务. Should he persistently seek to conform to the woman, it would be a mistake for him丈夫不知尽自己本分的义务,而一味随顺妇人,大错特错. Accordingly it is altogether right for a woman to hold conservatively to tradition, but a man must always be flexible and adaptable and allow himself to be guided solely by what his duty requires of him at the moment.【此处的英语翻译“死于句下”,执着于“言”而不见其“象”。小子得象忘言,而翻译其“意”,曰:人生在世,一方面须用巽卦的心从传统文化中获取资源,一方面须用震卦的心进入文化传统来开创未来。】【恒卦六五爻对应金陵十二钗的寡嫂李纨。李纨实践了三从四德的传统美德,最终守得云开见月明,儿子贾兰考中了进士。人生的百花园里,百花齐放,李纨可说是其中一棵值得欣赏的花卉。】



Six at the top means:

Restlessness as an enduring condition brings misfortune.狂心不歇,灾祸之源。

There are people who live in a state of perpetual hurry without ever attaininginner composure一路狂奔,不知休息。. Restlessness not only prevents all thoroughness but actually becomes a danger if it is dominant in places of authority. 狂躁不安,没有深度,只有深坑,领袖当警!【天来小子曰:恒卦的上六爻对应金陵十二钗的贾元春。贾元春对于自己的地位不是没有警觉的,这个反映在元春省亲的情节里,元春当众垂泪,表示地位虽然尊贵,却一家不得团聚,好没意思!然而,这些真情流露的真话,只能够悄悄地私底下说而已。在后宫的斗争中,元春实在是不得安宁啊!“振恒在上”不符合元春的初心啊,然而,人在宫中,到死还是身不由己!元春在元宵节制作了一个“爆竹”为谜底的灯谜给众姐妹猜,就已经让读者猜到她的结局了啊!】


