

0. 小弟小妹的纯洁爱情:周易第31卦咸卦的灵魂知己的木石前盟【彻底觉醒的人的解读:人的与生俱来的先天的生命能量;自心的木的象,自性的石的象,其真意在于真心的美人性的善圆融无间心性合一内圣之德开悟体验】【咸卦代表着宋明理学的陆王心学的学问精髓所在;恒卦代表着宋明理学的程朱理学的学问精髓所在;咸恒宫代表着宋明理学的炁学派的学问精髓所在。】

Reference: Wilhelm Translation, 1950 (I Ching Wilhelm Translation (unipr.it))

31. Hsien / Influence (Wooing) 咸卦【莫逆于心·相视而笑·相忘于江湖之中的人生知己;心里头一个妄念也没有,唯有至诚感通而已;所以说,这是“无心之感”。恬淡虚无,真炁从之;精神内守,病安从来?内是独体的心,外是诚体的行,中是道体的人。木石前盟,因缘前定,自心的木,自性的石,心性交融的前盟;《红楼梦》的密意,没几个人懂啊!满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪;都云作者痴,谁解其中味?无心之感,其味无穷啊!佛法所谓“醍醐灌顶”的法味啊,当得象忘言,得意忘象;既得意,则象与言运用自如矣!】

above TUI THE JOYOUS, LAKE 上卦是小妹兑泽【自心的木,感恩的真心,用一生的眼泪来报恩,傻啊,林黛玉!兑卦小妹不同,她有林黛玉的真心,又能用喜悦的心说真话来跟人沟通——天来小子曰:林黛玉的真心,就是曹雪芹的真心,整部《红楼梦》画龙点睛的一句话,就是林黛玉哭着说的:我为的是我的心。】
below KêN KEEPING STILL, MOUNTAIN 下卦是小弟艮山【自性的石,天生我材必有用的真身,用生命来保护一个戏子,痴啊,贾宝玉!艮卦小弟不同,他有贾宝玉的真身,又能常德行·习教事来帮助自己和别人——天来小子曰:无才可去补苍天,枉入红尘若干年,这是人生最大的遗憾啊!曹雪芹不希望世人有如此深悲巨痛的人生遗憾,才写作这部人间奇书啊!】

The name of the hexagram means "universal," "general," 此六爻卦的名字是“咸:无心之感”,意味着“天地本无心”、“感而遂通天下之故” and in a figurative sense "to influence," "to stimulate." 因而也就具有“感应”、“感动”的象了。

The upper trigram is Tui, the Joyous; the lower is Kên, Keeping still上面的三爻卦是泽之悦,下面的三爻卦是山之止. By its persistent, quiet influence, the lower, rigid trigram stimulates the upper, weak trigram, which responds to this stimulation cheerfully and joyously.通过持续的静默的献殷勤,下卦的小弟终于获得了上卦的小妹的青睐。 Kên, the lower trigram, is the youngest son; the upper, Tui, is the youngest daughter.下卦的艮是少男,所以称之为小弟;上卦的兑是少女,所以称之为小妹。【天来小子曰:下卦是贾宝玉的前身神瑛侍者,上卦是林黛玉的前身绛珠仙草。

 Thus the universal mutual attraction between the sexes is represented. 因此咸卦表述的是天地之间两性的互相吸引。In courtship, the masculine principle must seize the initiative and place itself below the feminine principle在追求的过程中,男生须采取主动且须把自己放在女生地位之下. Just as the first part of book 1 begins with the hexagrams of heaven and earth周易上经以乾坤开头, the foundations of all that exists乾坤造化的原则贯穿整部周易, the second part begins with the hexagrams of courtship and marriage周易下经以咸恒开头,咸卦谈恋爱的追求过程,恒卦论婚姻的稳定关系, the foundations of all social relationships这是社会中人与人的关系的两大基石。.【林黛玉和贾宝玉的爱情悲剧,其根本原因在于林黛玉不懂得扮演人间的角色,她把太虚幻境的那一套搬到人间,这怎么行得通呢?哭死也解决不了问题啊!】


THE JUDGMENT咸:亨,利贞,取女吉。


Influence. Success. 咸:亨,
Perseverance furthers. 

To take a maiden to wife brings good fortune. 取女吉。

柔上而刚下,The weak element is above, the strong below; 二气感应以相与 hence their powers attract each other, so that they unite. This brings about success, for all success depends on the effect of mutual attraction. 这带来成功,因为一切成功都有赖于相互吸引的作用。

止而说,By keeping still within while experiencing joy without, one can prevent the joy from going to excess and hold it within proper bounds内在保持静止,而外在体验喜乐;才能做到发乎情而止乎礼义。. This is the meaning of the added admonition, "利贞,Perseverance furthers," for it is perseverance that makes the difference between seduction and courtship; in the latter 男下女,the strong man takes a position inferior to that of the weak girl and shows consideration for her. 

This attraction between affinities is a general law of nature.天地感而万物化生, Heaven and earth attract each other and thus all creatures come into being. 圣人感人心而天下和平;Through such attraction the sage influences men's hearts, and thus the world attains peace. 观其所感,而天地万物之情可见矣!From the attractions they exert we can learn the nature of all beings in heaven and on earth.


THE IMAGE 象曰:山上有泽,咸; 君子以虚受人。【天来小子曰:致虚极·守静笃,心包太虚,量周沙界;大肚能容,容天容地,于人何所不容?

山上有泽,A lake on the mountain: 

咸; The image of influence. 

君子以虚受人。Thus the superior man encourages people to approach him by his readiness to receive them. 【君子虚怀若谷,包容接受他人。】 

A mountain with a lake on its summit is stimulated by the moisture from the lake山上有泽,山顶就获得湖泽的滋润。. It has this advantage because its summit does not jut out as a peak but is sunken此山可获得这个利益,因为它的山顶不是一个峰头,而是凹陷的. The image counsels that the mind should be kept humble and free, so that it may remain receptive to good advice这个易象提示世人,心态须保持谦虚而开放,这样才能从善如流. People soon give up counseling a man who thinks that he knows everything better than anyone else. 人们不愿意辅导自高自大的人。


THE LINES【天来小子曰:金陵十二钗,咸卦六爻代表了以林黛玉为核心的六钗】


Six at the beginning means: 初六:

The influence shows itself in the big toe. 咸其拇。

A movement, before it is actually carried out, shows itself first in the toes. The idea of an influence is already present, but is not immediately apparent to others. 感化的力量已经存在,但是还不能让别人明显地感受到。 As long as the intention has no visible effect, it is of no importance to the outside world and leads neither to good nor to evil. 只要内在的动机没有明显的效应,对外在世界来说就是无关紧要的,结果是没功也没过。 




Six in the second place means: 六二:

The influence shows itself in the calves of the legs. 咸其腓,

Misfortune. 凶,

Tarrying brings good fortune. 居吉。

In movement, the calf of the leg follows the foot; by itself it can neither go forward nor stand still小腿肚只能跟着脚走,它没有自主的能力,来决定行止. Since the movement is not self-governed, it bodes ill不能自主的行动是不吉利的. One should wait quietly until one is impelled to action by a real influence人应静候真诚感应的时节因缘. Then one remains uninjured那么他才能免于伤害。.




Nine in the third place means: 九三:

The influence shows itself in the thighs. 咸其股,

Holds to that which follows it. 执其随,

To continue is humiliating. 往吝。

Every mood of the heart influences us to movement内心情绪的每一个波动,都有可能让人诉诸行动. What the heart desires, the thighs run after without a moment's hesitation心要什么,大腿就会毫不犹豫地跟着跑; they hold to the heart, which they follow大腿执着于它们跟随的心. 

In the life of man, however, acting on the spur of every caprice is wrong and if continued leads to humiliation. 然而,在生活中,随着善变的心而起舞,是不对的,这么做会导致受辱

Three considerations suggest themselves here在此有三个考量可说. First, a man should not run precipitately after all the persons whom he would like to influence, but must be able to hold back under certain circumstances. 首先,人应审慎判断行动的时机。

 As little should he yield immediately to every whim of those in whose service he stands. 其次,对于对方一时的心血来潮,尽量不马上做回应。

 Finally, where the moods of his own heart are concerned, he should never ignore the possibility of inhibition, for this is the basis of human freedom. 最后,人对于自身的情绪起伏,应做妥善的管理,从而享有免于情绪纠缠的人的自由



Nine in the fourth place means: 九四:

Perseverance brings good fortune.贞吉

Remorse disappears.悔亡,
If a man is agitated in mind,憧憧往来,
And his thoughts go hither and thither,
Only those friends 朋从尔思。
On whom he fixes his conscious thoughts
Will follow.

Here the place of the heart is reached这里已经到达了心的位置. The impulse that springs from this source is the most important of all从心产生的冲动是至关重要的。. It is of particular concern that this influence be constant and good令人特别关注的是心的影响必须是稳定而善良的; then, in spite of the danger arising from the great susceptibility of the human heart, there will be no cause for remorse. 那么,尽管人类的心极度敏感,危殆不安,也不会导致令人遗憾的后果。

When the quiet power of a man's own character is at work, the effects produced are right当人品的静默力量发挥作用,就能带来良好的效益。. All those who are receptive to the vibrations of such a spirit will then be influenced与其心灵共振的人就会受到影响。. Influence over others should not express itself as a conscious and willed effort to manipulate them. 对他人的影响不应出自对他人的操控的不良意图。

Through practicing such conscious incitement, one becomes wrought up and is exhausted by the eternal stress and strain意图操控他人的结果,只会让自己精疲力竭,饱受压力与伤害。. Moreover, the effects produced are then limited to those on whom one's thoughts are consciously fixed.而且,最后也只能操控既定的一小群人。




Nine in the fifth place means: 

The influence shows itself in the back of the neck.咸其脢,【天来小子曰:脢是人体的哪个部位?英语翻译说是后项。但是,朱熹的《周易本义》说是“背肉。在心上而相背,不能感物而无私系。】

No remorse.无悔。

The back of the neck is the most rigid part of the body后项是人体最为不灵活的部位。. When the influence shows itself there, the will remains firm and the influence does not lead to confusion当感化的力量到达这里时,意志稳定而明确。. Hence remorse does not enter into consideration here因此不会发生悔不当初的情况。.

 What takes place in the depths of one's being, in the unconscious mind在人无法意识到的生命内部,潜移默化的历程一刻也没有停止。. It is true that if we cannot be influenced ourselves, we cannot influence the outside world这是真的,如果我们无法影响自己内在的世界,我们就无法影响外在的世界。.




Six at the top means: 上六:

The influence shows itself in the jaws, cheeks, and tongue.咸其辅、颊、舌。

The most superficial way of trying to influence others is through talk that has nothing real behind it通过空口说白话来影响人,这是最为肤浅而且毫无效果的。. The influence produced by such mere tongue wagging must necessarily remain insignificant耍嘴皮子功夫一点用处也没有。. Hence no indication is added regarding good or bad fortune.所以也不赘述吉还是凶了。



