

0. 参考:Richard Wilhelm & Cary F. Baynes Translation, 1950

 53. Chien / Development (Gradual Progress) 风山渐·渐卦第五十三

上九  ── 天上天(究):飞鸿在九天上【垂范后世】:乾宫的无极:大人死而不亡

九五  ── 天下天(壮):飞鸿在巅峰上【大有成就】:离宫的太极:小子大有成就

六四  一 一 人上人(始):飞鸿在大树上【重归正道】:巽兑宫的解门的无极:多惧

九三  ── 人下人(究):飞鸿在大陆上【迷失方向】:艮震宫的行门的无极:多凶

六二 一 一 地上地(壮):飞鸿在悬崖上【小有成就】:坎宫的太极:小子小有成就

初六 一 一 地下地(始):飞鸿在河岸上【初出茅庐】:坤宫的无极:小子前途无量


This hexagram is made up of Sun巽 (wood木, penetration入) above, i.e., without外卦, and Kên艮 (mountain山, stillness止) below, i.e., within内卦. A tree on a mountain 树木在山上develops slowly according to the law of its being根据树木的自然规律逐渐生长 and consequently stands firmly rooted最后深扎其根屹立不倒. 

This gives the idea of a development that proceeds gradually, step by step这个象启发人们一步一脚印的稳步向前的渐的道理. The attributes of the trigrams also point to this内外二体的三爻卦也提示了这一点: within is tranquillity, which guards against precipitate actions内卦艮山是安定不动、宁静不乱以克服鲁莽行事的冲动, and without is penetration, which makes development and progress possible外卦巽风是无孔不入、无微不至以推动前进的步伐.

THE JUDGMENT 渐:女归吉,利贞。【天来小子曰:女子出嫁是易象,说的是人生归宿,不可误以为就是在说女子出嫁这件事。借女子找到归宿来提示人须找到生命的归宿。】

DEVELOPMENT渐. The maiden女
Is given in marriage.归
Good fortune.吉
Perseverance furthers.利贞

彖曰:渐之进也,女归吉也。进得位,往有功也。进以正,可以正邦也。其位刚,得中也。止而巽,动不穷也。The development of events that leads to a girl's following a man to his home proceeds slowly.渐的法则用女子出嫁的象来表示。 The various formalities must be disposed of before the marriage takes place. 出嫁必须遵循渐的法则。

This principle of gradual development can be applied to other situations as well; 渐的法则可以应用到人生的其他情境。it is always applicable where it is a matter of correct relationships of co-operation, 渐的法则永远适用之故,在于它是人与人合作的正确关系as for instance in the appointment of an official. 例如政府官员的委任,The development must be allowed to take its proper course就不得不遵循渐的法则。. Hasty action would not be wise. 莽进是不明智的。

This is also true, finally, of any effort to exert influence on others, 最后,渐的法则也是适用于对他人形成影响。for here too the essential factor is a correct way of development through cultivation of one's own personality. 要对他人形成影响,关键因素在于遵循渐的法则来培养自身的德行。No influence such as that exerted by agitators has a lasting effect任何外在的煽动性影响都是不会持久的。. 

Within the personality too, development must follow the same course if lasting results are to be achieved. 无论是外在的对他人的影响,或是内在的自身德行的培养,都必须遵循渐的法则,才能取得持久的效益。Gentleness that is adaptable, but at the same time penetrating, 外卦巽风温柔而又适应性强,同时却也无孔不入、无微不至;is the outer form that should proceed from inner calm.然而外卦必须建立在内卦艮山的冷静的稳如泰山的基础上。

利贞 The very gradualness of the development makes it necessary to have perseverance, for perseverance alone prevents slow progress from dwindling to nothing.渐的法则离不开贞的坚持不懈,否则缓慢的进程恐怕会让一切化为子虚乌有。

THE IMAGE 象曰:山上有木,渐; 君子以居贤德,善俗。

On the mountain, a tree: 山上有木 【天来小子曰:木指的是有生命的树木,不是非生物的木头。】

The image of DEVELOPMENT. 渐

Thus the superior man abides in dignity and virtue, 君子以 居贤德【独善其身】
In order to improve the mores. 善俗【兼善天下】

The tree on the mountain is visible from afar, and its development influences the landscape of the entire region. 山上有树,老远就可看见,而树的生长可以改变整个地方的景观 

It does not shoot up like a swamp plant; its growth proceeds gradually. 十年树木,须一个渐的生长历程Thus also the work of influencing people can be only gradual.百年树人,亦须一个渐的培育历程 

No sudden influence or awakening is of lasting effect.顿悟成不了事 Progress must be quite gradual, 悟后起修的渐是必须的and in order to obtain such progress in public opinion and in the mores of the people, 为佛法,为众生it is necessary for the personality to acquire influence and weight大人品格的养成不能不重视. This comes about through careful and constant work on one's own moral development.大人品格的养成离不开慎独和诚意的渐的真积力久。【天来小子曰:这里从佛法视角来解读。当然也不妨从其他自己能够认同的视角来诠释。完全没有问题。】


初六:鸿渐于干,小子厉,有言,无咎。 象曰:小子之厉,义无咎也。【天来小子曰:小象说,小子在严峻环境中保持正义,最终没有过失。】

Six at the beginning means: 初六

The wild goose gradually draws near the shore. 鸿渐于干【河岸上

The young son is in danger. 小子厉

There is talk. No blame. 有言,无咎

All the individual lines in this hexagram symbolize the gradual flight of the wild goose.渐卦的六爻说的是鸿鸟的渐的飞行历程。 

The wild goose is the symbol of conjugal fidelity,鸿是忠诚的终身伴侣的象征 because it is believed that this bird never takes another mate after the death of the first. 据说鸿在配偶死了之后就终身保持单身。

The initial line suggests the first resting place in the flight of water birds from the water to the heights. 初爻说的是飞鸿的渐的征途从水里起飞而来到第一个休息站:岸上The shore is reached. The situation is that of a lonely young man who is just starting out to make his way in life. 这个象说的是一个孤单的年轻人刚刚踏入社会 Since no one comes to help him, his first steps are slow and hesitant, and he is surrounded by danger. 他感到无助 步步为营 危机四伏Naturally he is subjected to much criticism. 【有言】他受到四面八方的批评But these very difficulties keep him from being too hasty, and his progress is successful.【无咎】可是他在逆境中培养出沉稳品格 他成功迈步向前。

六二:鸿渐于磐,饮食衎衎(kan4 kan4; 欢乐),吉。象曰:饮食衎衎,不素饱也。【天来小子曰:小象说,欢乐饮食,而后实现远大抱负,不是单纯填饱肚子而已。】

Six in the second place means: 六二

The wild goose gradually draws near the cliff. 鸿渐于磐【悬崖上
Eating and drinking in peace and concord. 饮食衎衎(kan4 kan4; 欢乐)
Good fortune. 吉

The cliff is a safe place on shore.在陆地上悬崖是个安全的地方。 The development has gone a step further. 这是飞鸿的渐的旅程的第二步。

The initial insecurity has been overcome, and a safe position in life has been found, giving one enough to live on. 起始阶段的不确定性被克服了而找到了生命中的安全位置而获得了足够的生活资源。This first success, opening up a path to activity, brings a certain joyousness of mood,这第一次的成功打开了积极行动的道路 并带来了相当的心情上的喜悦感 and one goes to meet the future reassured.也有了底气来迎接未来 

It is said of the wild goose that it calls to its comrades whenever it finds food;  六二爻说 每当飞鸿找到食物都会呼唤同伴this is the symbol of peace and concord in good fortune这象征着美好生活中的安宁与和谐. A man does not want to keep his good luck for himself only, but is ready to share it with others.一个人要懂得有福同享。

九三:鸿渐于陆,夫征不复,妇孕不育,凶; 利御寇。象曰:夫征不复,离群丑也。妇孕不育,失其道也。利用御寇,顺相保也。【天来小子曰:小象说,丈夫一去不回头,远离了同伴啊!妻子怀孕却流产,失去了道义啊!发挥利物和义之作用,可以抵御内心寇贼,不再莽进,从而顺应渐的法则,天地自相保!】

Nine in the third place means: 九三

The wild goose gradually draws near the plateau. 鸿渐于陆【在大陆上

The man goes forth and does not return. 夫征不复

The woman carries a child but does not bring it forth. 妇孕不育【流产了】
It furthers one to fight off robbers. 

The high plateau is dry and unsuitable for the wild goose. 高原太干燥而不适于飞鸿。If it goes there, it has lost its way and gone too far. 一旦飞鸿到了哪儿 它就会迷失方向而飞得太远。This is contrary to the law of development. 这就违背了渐的法则

 It is the same in human life. 人类生活 亦复如是。If we do not let things develop quietly but plunge of our own choice too rashly into a struggle, misfortune results. 如果我们没让事物潜移默化而在矛盾冲突中粗暴执行自身抉择,灾祸就会发生。A man jeopardizes his own life, and his family perishes thereby. 一个人因此危及自身,并毁了家人幸福。

However, this is not all necessary; 然而,这一切都是可以避免的。 it is only the result of transgressing the law of natural development. 只要不违反渐的自然法则。If one does not willfully provoke a conflict, 一个人只要不随意挑起冲突,but confines himself to vigorously maintaining his own position 而是保持慎独的心,and to warding off unjustified attacks以避开无由的攻击,, all goes well一切都会顺利。.


Six in the fourth place means: 六四

The wild goose goes gradually draws near the tree. 鸿渐于木【在大树上
Perhaps it will find a flat branch. No blame. 

A tree is not a suitable place for a wild goose.树并非适于飞鸿休息的地方。 But if it is clever, it will find a flat branch on which it can get a footing. 然而,只要它够聪明,找到方平的树枝,那也就足以当歇脚处了。 

A man's life too, in the course of its development, often brings him into inappropriate situations, 人生亦复如是,人也许会落入一个不适宜的处境,in which he finds it difficult to hold his own without danger让他感觉危机四伏。. Then it is important to be sensible and yielding. 这时,他的敏感度与灵活度,至关重要。This enables him to discover a safe place in which life can go on, although he may be surrounded by danger. 这让他能在危机四伏的环境中发现安身之所,以如常生活

九五:鸿渐于陵,妇三岁不孕,终莫之胜,吉。象曰:终莫之胜,吉; 得所愿也。【天来小子曰:小象说,终于获得最后的胜利,吉祥;实现了内心的愿景了啊!】

Nine in the fifth place means: 六五

The wild goose gradually draws near the summit. 鸿渐于陵【在巅峰上
For three years the woman has no child. 妇三岁不孕
In the end nothing can hinder her. 终莫之胜
Good fortune. 

The summit is a high place. 陵是山的最高处。 In a high position one easily becomes isolated. 高处不胜寒。

One is misjudged by the very person on whom one is dependent人在这个处境容易被自身所依赖的人——-the woman by her husband女人之于丈夫, the official by his superior下属之于上司——所误判. This is the work of deceitful persons who have wormed their way in. 这是自欺欺人的人必须面对的。 The result is that relationships remain sterile, and nothing is accomplished. 其结果就是双方不能沟通,什么事也做不了。

But in the course of further development, such misunderstandings are cleared away, and reconciliation is achieved after all. 然而,随着渐的法则,这些误解都可以被扫光,而最终获得和谐,带来吉祥和幸福。

上九:鸿渐于逵,其羽可用为仪,吉。象曰:其羽可用为仪,吉; 不可乱也。【天来小子曰:小象说,天上飘落的飞鸿的羽毛可以用作祈神舞蹈的装饰品,吉祥;内心至诚感通,敬鬼神而远之,不可扰乱自己。】

Nine at the top means: 上九

The wild goose gradually draws near the clouds heights. 鸿渐于逵【逵:云路在九天上
Its feathers can be used for the sacred dance. 其羽可用为仪
Good fortune. 

Here life comes to its end. 此处生命来到了终点。A man's work stands completed. 人可以做的一切都已经完成

The path rises high toward heaven, 人生之路的尽头接通到了天堂,like the flight of wild geese when they have left the earth far behind就像飞鸿的旅程一般,最终它们远离大地。. There they fly它们在天空展翅高飞, keeping to the order of their flight in strict formation严守着飞行的阵势。. And if their feathers fall一旦它们的羽毛从天空飘落,, they can serve as ornaments in the sacred dance pantomimes performed in the temples人们就会把它当作祈神舞蹈的装饰品。. 

Thus the life of a man who has perfected himself is a bright light for the people of earth, who look up to him as an example. 故知,一名修养自身德行的大人,给地上的人带来光明,世人都加以仰望,好比泰山北斗,来作为自己终身学习与成长的榜样



1. 渐卦位于艮卦之后,《序卦》中这样解释道:“物不可以终止,故受之渐。渐者,进也。”【天来小子曰:念佛法门,不可以终止,须领悟渐卦的飞鸿玄义,发挥今生今世的人生价值。】

2. 按照周易64卦的卦序,艮卦说的是止,止到尽头又须开始活动,这时出现的是渐卦。

3. 渐为进,并且是有秩序地渐进。《杂卦》中这样说道:“渐,女归待男行也。”古代女子若要出嫁,必须要等待男方行聘,以便依序进展,这也体现了渐的特点。天来小子曰:读者啊,不要只是掉进事法界里的男婚女嫁啊,周易之道善于接通现实人生的人事物,来开示理想人生的美好生活啊!所以,这里讲的决不是仅仅——当然也决不可排斥——社会的秩序啊!这里是借用婚礼的象,来描述每个人可以、应该而且必须追求的人生归宿啊!所以,这里的男女,不仅仅限于现实人生的男女,而是兼指理想人生的乾、震、坎、艮的六腑阳炁 与 坤、巽、离、兑的五脏阴精啊!这是人体宇宙里的男女啊!不可不知。

4. 《象》中这样解释渐卦:山上有木,渐; 君子以 居贤德善俗。【天来小子曰:念佛人自身恒定而常居独体之德行,又须熟习诚体之教事以改善社会风俗。这是与坎宫相应的逆境智商。】

5. 渐卦的卦象是艮(山)下巽(风)上,提示高山上的树木的逐渐成长,象征万物都遵循渐的自然法则; 君子明白了渐的法则,坚持不懈地修养自身德行,持之以恒地改善社会习俗

