

 0. 周易第54卦归妹卦(人生归宿)的中英对照:生从何来死何去,人生归宿此间悟!

00.  英文翻译:Richard Wilhelm & Cary F. Baynes Translation, 1950

54. Kuei Mei / The Marrying Maiden 归妹卦


below TUI THE JOYOUS, LAKE 下为兑卦:泽之悦

上六一 一天上天(究):睁开佛眼【砸烂梦境】:坤宫的无极:大母人仰望

六五一 一天下天(壮):明眼看破【看见幸福】:坎宫的太极:小女行大道

九四  ── 人上人(始):傻眼苦等【值得期待】艮震宫的无极:小女心多惧

六三一 一人下人(究):错眼迷路【自取其辱】:巽兑宫的无极:小女途多凶

九二  ── 地上地(壮):独眼看路【看清方向】:离宫的太极:小女步趑趄(zi1 ju1)

初九  ── 地下地(始):跛脚走路【咬牙上路】:乾宫的无极:小女心忐忑(tan3 te4)

Above we have Chên, the eldest son上卦是代表长子的震卦, and below, Tui, the youngest daughter而下卦是代表少女的兑卦. The man leads and the girl follows him in gladness长子在前面走,少女在后面喜悦地跟随. 

The picture is that of the entrance of the girl into her husband's house这是出嫁女子踏进丈夫家门的象. In all, there are four hexagrams depicting the relationship between husband and wife. 周易里有四个卦讲述夫妇关系。

一者、咸卦(无心之感;木石前盟的灵魂知己)Hsien, INFLUENCE, describes the attraction that a young couple have for each other描述了青年男女之间的纯洁爱情

二者、恒卦(有心之亘;金玉良缘的终身伴侣)Hêng, DURATION, portrays the permanent relationships of marriage; Chien描述了神圣婚姻的永恒关系

三者、渐卦(人生飞鸿;弘一大师“一事无成人渐老”的感悟) DEVELOPMENT, reflects the protracted, ceremonious procedures attending描述了礼教里蕴藏的“一步一步来”的的法则

四者、归妹卦(人生归宿;弘一大师“一文不名何消说”的放下) THE MARRYING MAIDEN, shows a young girl under the guidance of an older man who marries her描述了出嫁的小妹获得归宿的历程.

THE JUDGMENT 卦辞【文王】 + 彖【孔子】

Undertakings bring misfortune. 

Nothing that would further. 无攸利。


A girl who is taken into the family, 女子嫁入了夫家but not as the chief wife但不是大老婆, must behave with special caution and reserve须加倍小心自身行为而内敛

She must not take it upon herself to supplant the mistress of the house她切莫存有取代大老婆的心, for that would mean disorder and lead to untenable relationships因为这将会带来混乱而导致关系破裂. 

The same is true of all voluntary relationships between human beings人生中的一切发自内心的美好关系,亦复如是. While legally regulated relationships based on personal inclination depend in the long run entirely on tactful reserve法定的婚姻关系固然基于个人内心的自我约束以令之长久而稳定. Affection as the essential principle of relatedness is of the greatest importance in all relationships in the world然而发自内心的真诚情感却是世界上一切人际关系的重中之重的核心法则

For the union of heaven and earth is the origin of the whole of nature因为天与地的阴阳交感是宇宙万物的起源. Among human beings likewise, spontaneous affection is the all-inclusive principle of union.人类之间亦复如是,自发的内在情感是缘聚的内在法则


Thunder over the lake: 泽上有雷,

The image of THE MARRYING MAIDEN. 归妹;

Thus the superior man 君子以
Understands the transitory 永终知敝【翻译

In the light of the eternity of the end永终知敝【翻译永终:照见终极永恒

Thunder stirs the water of the lake, which follows it in shimmering waves雷的震动带来了湖泽水面的波动. This symbolizes the girl who follows the man of her choice这个象描述了出嫁女子跟随自己选择的男子. 

But every relationship between individuals bears within it the danger that wrong turns may be taken然而在任何人际关系之中都含藏误入歧途的危险, leading to endless misunderstandings and disagreements而导致无尽的误解与冲突. 

Therefore it is necessary constantly to remain mindful of the end因此保持慎终如始的心态是必要的. If we permit ourselves to drift along, we come together and are parted again as the day may determine如果我们不在乎而任意摇摆,那我们只能不由自主的,短暂相聚然后再度分离. 

If on the other hand a man fixes his mind on an end that endures反过来说,一个人专心致志于永恒的人生彼岸, he will succeed in avoiding the reefs that confront the closer relationships of people.他将成功避开一切击毁人际关系的人生暗礁


Nine at the beginning means: 初九:归妹以娣,跛能履,征吉。象曰:归 妹以娣,以恒也。跛能履吉,相承也。【天来小子曰:看不懂周公的爻辞不要紧,看懂孔子的象辞就可以了。小象(爻的象辞叫小象,卦的象辞叫大象)说,以恒相承,说得多直白啊!人际关系靠的是水滴石穿的恒心啊,不要因为一时的表面的不顺就破坏了关系,要保持恒心,为对方付出啊,那么,自己落难的时候,对方也会同样以恒心来为自己付出这就是孔子给予世人的“以恒相承”的亲切指点。】

The marrying maiden as a concubine. 归妹以娣

A lame man who is able to tread.  跛能履
Undertakings bring good fortune. 

The princess of ancient China maintained a fixed order of rank among the court ladies, who were subordinated to the queen as are younger sisters to the eldest古代中国的后宫嫔妃须遵守宫廷礼仪,她们必须服从皇后犹如妹妹对大姐一样. Frequently they came from the family of the queen, who herself led them to her husband她们的出身通常跟皇后一样,属于同一个家族,所以嫁入宫中,就由皇后带着她们去见皇帝。. 

The meaning is that a girl entering a family with the consent of the wife will not rank outwardly as the equal of the latter but will withdraw modestly into the background内在的含义是:一名女子在大老婆的允许下嫁入一个家族,她懂得守礼,不跟大老婆争夺名分,而是谦卑退让,静观一切。. 

However, if she understands how to fit herself into the pattern of things, her position will be entirely satisfactory, and she will feel sheltered in the love of the husband to whom she bears children然而,如果她懂得融身于家族秩序之中,她将享有令人满意的地位,而且她会沐浴在丈夫的爱之中而有了爱情的结晶。. 

The same meaning is brought out in the relationships between officials政府官员之间的人际关系,亦复如是。. A man may enjoy the personal friendship of a prince and be taken into his confidence一名官员也许与某个王爷建立了心对心的私人友谊而获得对方信任。. Outwardly this man must keep tactfully in the background behind the official ministers of state他在朝廷上的外在表现却必须保持谦卑,不要让大员们看不顺眼,而要懂得融入官场环境, but, although he is hampered by this status, as if he were lame也许他自我约束得有如跛脚一般, he can nevertheless accomplish something through the kindliness of his nature然而,惟其如此,他得以据其仁德而完成任务.

Nine in the second place means: 九二:眇能视,利幽人之贞。象曰:利幽人之贞,未变常也。【天来小子曰:小象说,有利于隐居者保持正直品格,说的就是内心坚贞不移,得以保持常德啊。】【朱熹说:幽人,亦抱道守正而不偶者也。天来小子曰:幽人,隐士也。东西方文化传承中皆有弥足珍惜之隐士文化。】

A one-eyed man who is able to see. 眇能视,

The perseverance of a solitary man furthers. 利幽人之贞。

Here the situation is that of a girl married to a man who has disappointed her这里的状况是女子嫁给了一个令她大失所望的丈夫. 

Man and wife ought to work together like a pair of eyes夫妇应该互助合作有如一双眼睛. Here the girl is left behind in loneliness; the man of her choice either has become unfaithful or has died此处的女子已然置身于孤寂境遇当中;当初她所选择的男子,要嘛已经变心,要嘛已经死亡。. 

But she does not lost the inner light of loyalty然而,她没失去内心的忠诚之光. Thought the other eye is gone, she maintains her loyalty even in loneliness.尽管已然失去一只眼睛,她仍然在孤独之中保持内心的忠诚。

Six in the third place means: 六三:归妹以须,反归以娣。象曰:归妹以须,未当也。【天来小子曰:小象说,小妹出嫁却受辱,原因在自身言行不当啊。】

The marrying maiden as a slave. 归妹以须,

She marries as a concubine. 反归以娣。

A girl who is in a lowly position and finds no husband may, in some circumstances, still win shelter as a concubine出身低微的女子也许找不到丈夫,在一些情况下,为了寻找栖身之所,而不得不做人家的小老婆. 

This pictures the situation of a person who longs too much for joys that cannot be obtained in the usual way此象描述了一个人过于渴望欢乐而又无法以正常途径获得. He enters upon a situation not altogether compatible with self-esteem他踏进了一个有损于自尊的境遇

Neither judgment nor warning is added to this line此爻没有给出判断或警告; it merely lays bare the actual situation, 它仅赤裸呈现真实情况so that everyone may draw a lesson from it以让世人从中汲取教训.

Nine in the fourth place means: 九四:归妹愆期,迟归有时。象曰:愆期之志,有待而行也。【天来小子曰:小象说,小妹嫁人的婚期延后,显示了她内在的心志,她不屑于眼前的苟且,她要追求诗和远方,她在等待啊,等待配得起自己的人,她才出嫁啊!

The marrying maiden draws out the allotted time. 归妹愆期,

A late marriage comes in due course. 迟归有时。

The girl is virtuous这是一名君子好逑的淑女. She does not wish to throw herself away她不愿糟蹋自己, and allows the customary time for marriage to slip by而错过了婚姻礼俗的时间点. 

However, there is no harm in this然而,这却无妨; she is rewarded for her purity她以纯净本质赢得了相应的回报 and, even though belatedly, finds the husband intended for her尽管婚期延后,她找到了命中注定的白马王子.

Six in the fifth place means: 

The sovereign “I” gave his daughter in marriage. 帝乙归妹

The embroidered garments of the princess其君之袂
Were not as gorgeous as those of the serving maid. 

The moon that is nearly full 月几望,
Brings good fortune. 

The sovereign I is T'ang the Completer帝乙就是商代创造“武丁中兴”盛世的殷高宗(1251BC--1192BC在位). This ruler decreed that the imperial princesses should be subordinated to their husbands in the same manner as other women (cf. Hexagram T'ai/Peace, six in the fifth place泰卦六五:帝乙归妹,以祉,元吉)殷高宗制定了婚姻的礼仪制度. 

The emperor does not wait for a suitor to woo his daughter but gives her in marriage when he sees fit.  Therefore it is in accord with custom for the girl's family to take the initiative here. 殷高宗没等追求者前来,他为女儿安排了合适的婚姻。因此,女方家庭处于主动位置。

We see here a girl of aristocratic birth who marries a man of modest circumstances and understands how to adapt herself with grace to the new situation我们看见,嫁给了出身一般的男子的高贵公主她懂得如何适应新的生活环境。. She is free of all vanity of outer adornment, 她摆脱外在的奢华服饰,and forgetting her rank in her marriage放低身段,, takes a place below that of her husband把丈夫放到一个高于自己的地位, just as the moon, before it is quite full, 就好比即将圆满的明月does not directly face the sun不直接面对太阳一样。.

Six at the top means: 上六:女承筐无实,士刲羊无血,无攸利。象曰:上六无实,承虚筐也。【天来小子曰:小象说,上六阴爻处阴位,虚而不实,这就是承虚筐的象啊!孔子这么说,有何深意呢?首先,阴爻处于阴位,虽说“无实”,却“得正”;其次,“承虚筐”的象可以引发无穷的想象。有人说,筐无实、羊无血都是梦境。孔子给出了这个象,却没进一步说明,也许就是为了给世人留下一个广阔的想象空间吧这也是周易好玩的地方。如果什么都给你解释得清清楚楚,还有什么好玩?

The woman holds the basket, but there are no fruits in it. 女承筐无实

The man stabs the sheep, but no blood flows. 士刲羊无血

Nothing that acts to further. 无攸利

At the sacrifice to the ancestors在祭祀祖先的仪式中, the woman had to present harvest offerings in a basket, while the man slaughtered the sacrificial animal with his own hand女人须用竹筐献上收成的祭品,男人须动手宰杀献祭的畜生. 

Here the ritual is only superficially fulfilled此处祭祀只是在形式上完成; the woman takes an empty basket and the man stabs a sheep slaughtered beforehand, 女人拿着空的竹筐,男人刀宰的是事先宰杀的羊 solely to preserve the forms完全是徒具形式而已. 【天来小子曰:徒具形式之祭祀,又谁欺?欺天乎?欺祖先乎?自欺而已矣!失其人生归宿而已矣!】

This impious, irreverent attitude bodes no good for a marriage. 如此亵渎不恭的态度,预示着婚姻不会有好结果。【天来小子曰:学习周易,须善于举一反三,善于换位思考,善于反向思考。此处,须以反向思维而获得其真义。刘宗周说,敬则诚,诚则天。礼记说:毋不敬。孟子曰:敬人者,人恒敬之。人而无敬,知其人生必将落空矣。徒具形式之弄虚作假,如何是了局?必也敬乎!祭如在,祭神如神在,敬而已矣!唯诚唯敬,见善则迁,有过则改,则人生自得美好归宿佛菩萨无他,善补过而已矣!子曰:君子之过也,如日月之食焉。过也,人皆见之;更也,人皆仰之。读者其善体会之,奉行之,不负如来不负心,今生今世不承虚筐矣!




1. 《序卦传》如是描述归妹卦:渐者,进也;进必有所归,故受之以归妹。天来小子曰:渐卦说的是飞鸿的故事,归妹卦说的是飞鸿的归宿啊!

2. 《杂卦传》如是描述归妹卦:归妹,女之终也;未济,男之穷也。天来小子曰:周易64卦的基础在于内外2卦,而内外2卦不外乎乾卦的老爸、坤卦的老妈、震卦的大哥、巽卦的大姐、坎卦的二哥、离卦的二姐、艮卦的小弟、兑卦的小妹。所以,女之终说的是坤、巽、离、兑4卦的终极归宁,而男之穷说的是乾、震、坎、艮4卦的无穷无尽周易结尾的既未济宫,既济卦说的是女之终,未济卦说的是男之穷

3. 归妹卦的象辞如是说:泽上有雷,归妹;君子以 永终知敝。天来小子曰:打从内心感受到无尽喜悦啊,激活了生命深处如来藏的雷震的真炁,小妹出嫁了君子观照生命的真相啊,行深般若波罗密多时,看破并放下世间无常的生命现象,看见并接通了打破世间与出世间隔阂的永恒的人类进化的大道

4. 总持法门:一步一步来的渐卦,小妹出嫁了的归妹卦,在《周易·杂卦传》中如是描绘此二卦:渐,女归待男行也;归妹,女之终也。可见,渐卦是以归妹卦为核心的。有趣的是,《杂卦传》还说:未济,男之穷也。穷跟终的意思是一样的,指的都是最后的归宿。最令人叹为观止的是,渐卦的互卦【取其卦的中间四爻,然后以二三四爻为下卦,以三四五爻为上卦,组成新的一卦】正是未济卦,而归妹卦的互卦是既济卦。那么,渐·归妹宫就直接对应到周易最后一宫——既未济宫了!归妹既济,渐未济,正好比是人的两只脚走路,鸟的两只翅膀飞行啊!

5. 直指人心,见性成佛:周易64卦里的“男女”,必须用鉴湖女侠秋瑾的诗句来下定义:身不得,男儿列;心却比,男儿烈!是的,人类生命除了身体,心灵恐怕扮演着更加重要的角色,是男是女,指的不只是外在的身体的男女,更加是内在的心灵的男女啊!人类心灵就是那只一步一步来的渐卦的飞鸿,人类身体就是这位小妹出嫁了的归妹卦的小妹,人类进化就是飞鸿独体的心与小妹诚体的身的互相交融啊,这就是《周易·杂卦传》为世人呈现的身心合一、人我合一、天人合一的宇宙生命共同体啊!

6. 更具体地说吧,“小妹出嫁了”的象,里面隐含着“小弟出家了”的象小妹出嫁的是身体的归宿,小弟出家是心灵的归宿二者圆融,就是人类身体和人类心灵的圆融,也就是人类进化的大道的圆融观。那些执着于“出嫁”的象的人,永远都没有办法推开周易王国的大门。

