2. In the second cycle of my life, I want to go far and bring peace and poems into self and other’s’ lives to make this world a better place for humankind to live in. 【在人生的第二个甲子,我静如处子地回归人世间与世人分享“远方的诗”。和光同尘,接通“心内心”(先后天的时间幻觉被打破)的人性能量。】It's about yoga with the bottomless heart of unconditional love. 无相慈悲句。
3. Be it in the first or the second cycle of my life, I am actually carried in the arms of the mother-nature. No matter I know it or not. This is both the beginning and the ending point of my life. This is the origin. This is the home of my soul, Kingdom of God, Pure Land of Buddha. 【不管是在人生的第一或第二甲子,我其实都在造物主的怀抱之中。不论我知不知道,这是事实真相。大彻大悟,眼前与远方,只是空间的幻觉;苟且与诗,只是无谓的分别。无缚无脱,接通“人中人”(内外在的妄想执着放下了)的本源能量。】It's about yoga with the boundless soul of deathless courage. 无上菩提句。