
Care, Connect and Contribute: 敬爱自己、他人与世界

0. Care, Connect and Contribute: 敬爱自己、他人与世界。【尽己,推己,真己:respect and love self, others and this world.】

1. Care deeply as individuals to respect and love self, others and this world so as to find one's voice and roar.  【通过尽己之忠道,反求诸己地敬爱自己、他人与世界,秉持般若空慧的大智心,在自身生命内部建设一个周遍法界的内心世界来安顿自己、他人和世界。】

2. Connect widely as communities to respect and love self, others and this world so that we can roar in one voice with our bottomless heart of unconditional love. 【通过推己的恕道,推己及人地敬爱自己、他人与世界,在这个星球——地球母亲的大地上,秉持无相慈悲的大爱心,建设一个出生无穷的和平世界来安顿自己、他人和世界。】

3. Contribute fully as a brave child of Homo Sapiens to respect and love self, others and this world so that we can return to the home of our boundless souls of deathless courage. 【通过人己同源的仁道,人己不二地敬爱自己、他人与世界,打破时空的幻觉,从人生大梦惊醒过来,发现自己、他人与世界都在上天的怀抱之中!】

