2. 这是地狱啊!悠悠苍天,此何人哉?
3. 看,地藏菩萨来了!地藏啊,心地宝藏,在人处于极大痛苦的时候,就会自然显现。
4. 心地宝藏的慈悲啊,就是一道从地狱到净土的桥梁啊!一道从阿鼻地狱道常寂光净土的桥梁!
5. Love is the bridge between the hell and the heaven. It’s the marriage of the hell and heaven.
6. Love is the bridge linking everything together. In love, we recover our undivided life which is the One Life, God!
7. With love, all the broken hearts are healed and recovered as unbroken hearts.