
佛性Naked Soul

 0. 佛性Naked Soul :赤裸裸、光灿灿的佛性,唯有脱掉了“见思惑”、“尘沙惑”和“无明惑”三件脏衣之后,才能看得到。We can only see our naked soul after stripping off the external layers of doubts, worries and fears in our lives.

1. 般若 Pure Mind:当六道众生脱掉了“见思惑”脏衣之后,空性般若就会初步现前。然而,只有到脱掉“尘沙惑”和“无明惑”脏衣后,空性般若才会百分之百现前。There are three different degrees of pureness to the mind, namely Arhat's mind, Bodhisattva's mind and Buddha's mind.

2. 慈悲 Pure Heart:当小乘行者脱掉了“尘沙惑”脏衣并撕开(形容破了第一品无明惑的成就)了“无明惑”脏衣之后,无相慈悲就会现前。然而,只有到脱掉了无明惑脏衣后,无相慈悲才会百分之百现前。There are two different degrees of pureness to the heart, namely Bodhisattva's heart and Buddha's heart.

3. 菩提Pure Gut:当大乘行者脱掉了“无明惑”脏衣之后,无上菩提就会现前。然而,“究竟成佛”的“往”必须接通“乘愿再来·留惑润生”的“生”,才能够彰显佛法智慧传承的全幅意义和完整品格。It is only when the highest achievement of becoming Buddha can link with the returning path to serve all sentient beings and beyond, then the full meaning of the Buddhism wisdom tradition is manifested. In other words, the pure gut needs to link with the naked soul and it becomes a trinity of mind (nothingness), heart (inter-dependence; inter-being) and gut (the golden mean).

