
心。身。一。乘。我。【其三:十二生肖】 20250122白兔0540.

提示🔔…… 提示词【心。身。一。乘。我。】1. 南朱雀统帅的巳午未(白蛇、白黑马、黑羊)的心是般若空慧的自受用。2. 北玄武统帅的亥子丑(黑猪、黑白鼠、白牛)的身是无相慈悲的他受用。3. 东青龙统帅的寅卯辰(白虎、白兔、白龙)的一是无上菩提的常住真心。4. 西白虎的申酉戌(黑猴、黑鸡、黑狗)的乘是三无差别的妙真如性。 5. 中麒麟统帅的未丑辰戌(黑羊、白牛、白龙、黑狗)的我是圆融四相的人。

Here’s the English translation for your provided prompt:

Keywords: 心 (Xin), 身 (Body), 一 (Essence), 乘 (Vehicle), 我 (Self)

1. The heart of the South Vermilion Bird (Zhuque), leading the Si, Wu, Wei (White Snake, White-Black Horse, Black Sheep), is the self-benefit of wisdom and emptiness, the wisdom that transcends attachments, reflecting the true nature of all things in the emptiness.

2. The body of the North Black Tortoise (Xuanwu), leading the Hai, Zi, Chou (Black Pig, Black-White Rat, White Ox), is the selfless compassion of formlessness, embodying boundless acceptance and silent protection.

3. The essence of the East Azure Dragon (Qinglong), leading the Yin, Mao, Chen (White Tiger, White Rabbit, White Dragon), is the unchanging true heart of supreme bodhi, connecting the eternal past and future, revealing the timeless truth within the cycle of life.

4. The vehicle of the West White Tiger (Baihu), leading the Shen, You, Xu (Black Monkey, Black Chicken, Black Dog), is the wondrous and unified true nature beyond distinctions, guiding us to see the oneness of all phenomena in their unity.

5. The self of the Central Qilin (Qilin), leading the Wei, Chou, Chen, Xu (Black Sheep, White Ox, White Dragon, Black Dog), is the harmonious being of the four aspects, neither unified nor divided, existing naturally without obstruction, exemplifying the truth of a complete and fulfilled life.

This passage reflects the integration of different celestial and earthly forces with the essence of the self and the wisdom within. The structure aligns the heart, body, essence, vehicle, and self with profound attributes of the mythical animals representing the directions.



1. 南朱雀的心,统帅巳午未(白蛇、白黑马、黑羊),是般若空慧的自受用,超越执着的智慧,反映出万物的真相于空寂之中。

2. 北玄武的身,统帅亥子丑(黑猪、黑白鼠、白牛),是无相慈悲的他受用,承载无尽的包容与静默的守护。

3. 东青龙的一,统帅寅卯辰(白虎、白兔、白龙),是无上菩提的常住真心,贯通天地,连接过去与未来,显现出生命轮回中的恒久不变的真理。

4. 西白虎的乘,统帅申酉戌(黑猴、黑鸡、黑狗),是三无差别的妙真如性,穿行于刚与柔之间,动静皆为自然,引领我们看透万象归一的奥秘。

5. 中麒麟的我,统帅未丑辰戌(黑羊、白牛、白龙、黑狗),是圆融四相的存在,既非一体,又非分裂,自然无碍,调和阴阳,阐释了圆满人生的真谛。


