提示🔔…… 提示词【心。身。一。乘。我。】1. 人体顶轮能量的南朱雀统帅的巳午未(白蛇、白黑马、黑羊)的心是般若空慧的自受用。2. 人体海底轮能量的北玄武统帅的亥子丑(黑猪、黑白鼠、白牛)的身是无相慈悲的他受用。3. 人体心轮卍旋的东青龙统帅的寅卯辰(白虎、白兔、白龙)的一是无上菩提的常住真心。4. 人体心轮卐旋的西白虎的申酉戌(黑猴、黑鸡、黑狗)的乘是三无差别的妙真如性。 5. 人体全身能量十字打开的中麒麟统帅的未丑辰戌(黑羊、白牛、白龙、黑狗)的我是圆融四相的人。
1. 南朱雀的心:人体顶轮能量的南朱雀统帅的巳午未(白蛇、白黑马、黑羊)的心,是般若空慧的自受用。通过空慧的智慧,去除执着,从而在空寂之中照见万象的真相。
2. 北玄武的身:人体海底轮能量的北玄武统帅的亥子丑(黑猪、黑白鼠、白牛)的身,是无相慈悲的他受用。无相的慈悲如大地般包容万物,默默承载他人之苦,守护众生。
3. 东青龙的一:人体心轮卍旋的东青龙统帅的寅卯辰(白虎、白兔、白龙)的一,是无上菩提的常住真心。此真心贯穿天地,连接过去与未来,显现出恒久不变的真理与觉悟。
4. 西白虎的乘:人体心轮卐旋的西白虎的申酉戌(黑猴、黑鸡、黑狗)的乘,是三无差别的妙真如性。此妙性跨越刚与柔,动静之间无二,包容一切法则,显示出无差别的真如性。
5. 中麒麟的我:人体全身能量十字打开的中麒麟统帅的未丑辰戌(黑羊、白牛、白龙、黑狗)的我,是圆融四相的存在。这个我既不局限于单一的形式,也不分裂,具有调和阴阳、融合四方的能力,展现生命的和谐与圆满。
Prompt Words: 【Heart. Body. One. Vehicle. I.】
1. The Heart of the South Vermilion Bird: The heart of the South Vermilion Bird, leading the energies of the Sì (Snake), Wǔ (Horse), and Wèi (Goat), is the self-usage of Prajna Wisdom. Through the wisdom of emptiness and clarity, one transcends attachments, reflecting the truth of all things in the stillness of emptiness.
2. The Body of the North Black Tortoise: The body of the North Black Tortoise, leading the energies of the Hài (Pig), Zǐ (Rat), and Chǒu (Ox), is the other-usage of formless compassion. The formless compassion is like the earth, silently carrying the burdens of others and protecting all beings with its embrace.
3. The One of the Eastern Azure Dragon: The One of the Eastern Azure Dragon, leading the energies of the Yín (Tiger), Mǎo (Rabbit), and Chén (Dragon), is the eternal true heart of supreme Bodhi. This true heart runs through heaven and earth, connecting the past and the future, revealing the unchanging truth and awakening.
4. The Vehicle of the Western White Tiger: The Vehicle of the Western White Tiger, leading the energies of the Shēn (Monkey), Yǒu (Rooster), and Xū (Dog), is the wonderful true nature of the three non-differences. This wondrous nature moves between hardness and softness, where motion and stillness merge, showing the non-differentiation of all phenomena.
5. The I of the Central Qilin: The I of the Central Qilin, leading the energies of the Wèi (Goat), Chǒu (Ox), Chén (Dragon), and Xū (Dog), is the being of harmonious four aspects. This I is neither singular nor divided, possessing the ability to harmonize yin and yang and merge all four directions, demonstrating the harmony and wholeness of life.
This passage expresses the profound connection between the body and mind, using the energies of the mythical creatures and their corresponding body centers. Each leader embodies a different energy and spiritual realm, coming together to form a complete and harmonious vision of life, where the universe and the individual resonate in unity.