The Legend of the Sixty-Year Cycle: General Introduction
0. Origin
Tianlai, the spiritual wanderer, delves into meditation, exploring the wondrous realms of the sixty-year cycle (the Ganzhi, or sixty stem-branch combinations) and the interwoven energies of their Five Element (Wu Xing) affinities. Through this deep reflection, Tianlai deciphers the legendary tales hidden within the sixty Ganzhi—soon to be unveiled in order:
1. Fire Chapter: "The Radiance of the Southern Vermilion Bird"
Corresponding to the crown chakra, representing the primordial spiritual energy.
Witness Wu Zetian’s creation of the character 曌, symbolizing the sun and moon shining brightly in the sky—the moonlight offers compassionate energy in the darkness, while sunlight provides wisdom in the day. 曌 embodies total awakening, 24/7, every single day of the week!
The Southern Vermilion Bird channels six fire energy streams:
- Furnace Fire (stoking inner transformation): No. 3 Bingyin (Fire Tiger) & No. 4 Dingmao (Fire Rabbit).
- Mountain Fire (igniting wisdom): No. 11 Jiaxu (Fire Dog) & No. 12 Yihai (Fire Pig).
- Thunderbolt Fire (raw energy): No. 25 Wuzi (Fire Rat) & No. 26 Jichou (Fire Ox).
- Under-the-Mountain Fire (grounding renewal): No. 33 Bingshen (Fire Monkey) & No. 34 Dingyou (Fire Rooster).
- Lamp Fire (radiating guidance): No. 41 Jiashen (Fire Dragon) & No. 42 Yisi (Fire Snake).
- Heavenly Fire (celestial clarity): No. 55 Wuwu (Fire Horse) & No. 56 Jiwei (Fire Goat).
2. Water Chapter: "The Clarity of the Northern Black Tortoise"
Corresponding to the root chakra, representing primordial essence and the energy of life’s foundation.
The elegance of calligraphy’s Eight Principles of Yong (永) encapsulates the life journey:
- Independent Self: a solitary stream flowing freely.
- Social Self: rivers converging in unity.
- Universal Self: all waters merging into the vast sea.
The Northern Black Tortoise embodies six water energy flows:
- Stream Water: No. 13 Bingzi (Water Rat) & No. 14 Dingchou (Water Ox).
- Spring Water: No. 21 Jiashen (Water Monkey) & No. 22 Yiyou (Water Rooster).
- Flowing River Water: No. 29 Renchen (Water Dragon) & No. 30 Guisi (Water Snake).
- Celestial River Water: No. 43 Bingwu (Water Horse) & No. 44 Dingwei (Water Goat).
- Great Creek Water: No. 51 Jiayin (Water Tiger) & No. 52 Yimao (Water Rabbit).
- Great Ocean Water: No. 59 Renxu (Water Dog) & No. 60 Guihai (Water Pig).
3. Wood Chapter: "The Growth of the Eastern Azure Dragon"
Corresponding to the heart chakra, spiraling leftward, representing the primordial life force.
Wood is trees, not dead logs, silly! It grows as:
- Individual trees: symbolizing personal independence.
- A forest: representing society.
- A dense jungle: mirroring the grand scale of the universe.
The Eastern Azure Dragon channels six wood energy currents:
- Great Forest Wood: No. 5 Wuchen (Wood Dragon) & No. 6 Jisi (Wood Snake).
- Willow Wood: No. 19 Renwu (Wood Horse) & No. 20 Guiwei (Wood Goat).
- Cypress Wood: No. 27 Gengyin (Wood Tiger) & No. 28 Xinyu (Wood Rabbit).
- Flatland Wood: No. 35 Wuxu (Wood Dog) & No. 36 Jihai (Wood Pig).
- Mulberry Wood: No. 49 Renzi (Wood Rat) & No. 50 Guichou (Wood Ox).
- Pomegranate Wood: No. 57 Gengshen (Wood Monkey) & No. 58 Xinyou (Wood Rooster).
4. Metal Chapter: "The Resonance of the Western White Tiger"
Corresponding again to the heart chakra, spiraling rightward, emphasizing clarity and refinement.
In ancient wars, the beating of gongs signaled retreat—a practice mirrored in the battle of life. Feel the autumn wind! It’s the universe’s way of urging you to put on a jacket and pause for reflection, silly!
Metal resonates as:
- Pure Metal: personal independence.
- Alloyed Metal: social unity.
- Exalted Gold: universal harmony.
The Western White Tiger carries six metal energy vibrations:
- Sea Gold: No. 1 Jiazi (Metal Rat) & No. 2 Yichou (Metal Ox).
- Sword-Edge Gold: No. 9 Renshen (Metal Monkey) & No. 10 Guiyou (Metal Rooster).
- White Wax Gold: No. 17 Gengchen (Metal Dragon) & No. 18 Xinsi (Metal Snake).
- Sand Gold: No. 31 Jiawu (Metal Horse) & No. 32 Yiwei (Metal Goat).
- Gold Leaf: No. 39 Renyin (Metal Tiger) & No. 40 Guiyuan (Metal Rabbit).
- Ornamental Gold: No. 47 Gengxu (Metal Dog) & No. 48 Xinhai (Metal Pig).
5. Earth Chapter: "The Return of the Central Qilin"
Fallen leaves return to their roots, performers bow out when the curtain falls, and the inn closes when the play is over. Goodbye, my beautiful life.
In truth, life is a stage, and the real "you" watches your role unfold from the homeland of your soul—laughing quietly as the play goes on.
Earth manifests as:
- Solid Earth: independence.
- Unified Earth: community.
- Exalted Earth: universal alignment.
The Central Qilin embodies six earthly forces:
- Roadside Earth: No. 7 Gengwu (Earth Horse) & No. 8 Xinwei (Earth Goat).
- City Wall Earth: No. 15 Wuyin (Earth Tiger) & No. 16 Jiayin (Earth Rabbit).
- Rooftop Earth: No. 23 Bingxu (Earth Dog) & No. 24 Dinghai (Earth Pig).
- Cliffside Earth: No. 37 Gengzi (Earth Rat) & No. 38 Xinchen (Earth Ox).
- Courier Station Earth: No. 45 Wushen (Earth Monkey) & No. 46 Jiyou (Earth Rooster).
- Desert Earth: No. 53 Bingchen (Earth Dragon) & No. 54 Dingyin (Earth Snake).
Tianlai’s Revelation: Life is a symphony of elements, each energy flowing in rhythm with the others, weaving the intricate tapestry of existence. Each of the sixty stems and branches holds a unique story, resonating with humanity’s journey.
Prompt: 六十甲子小小说《花甲传奇·总叙》。
0. 缘起:天来小子入静以游观六十甲子纳音五行的奇妙人生境界。破译六十花甲的人生传奇故事,即将按序推出:
1. 火篇:《南朱雀的如火之明》——对应人体头部顶轮的元神能量流。看,武则天创造的这个汉字——曌!日月当空照啊,月光是黑夜里的慈悲能量,日光是白天的空慧能量,曌是每日24小时、一周七日的彻底觉醒啊!南朱雀具足此六火能量流:编号3.丙寅火虎及编号4.丁卯火兔的炉中火,编号11.甲戌火狗及编号12.乙亥火猪的山头火,编号25. 戊子火鼠及编号26.己丑火牛的霹雳火,编号33. 丙申火猴及编号34.丁酉火鸡的山下火,编号41. 甲辰火龙及编号42.乙巳火蛇(205年)的覆灯火,编号55. 戊午火马及编号56.己未火羊的天上火。
2. 水篇:《北玄武的如水之清》——对应人体腹部底轮的元精能量流。永字八法的美妙人生啊,泉水独流的独立人格,双江合流的社会人格,百川入海的宇宙格局。北玄武具足此六水能量流:编号13.丙子水鼠及编号14.丁丑水牛的涧下水,编号21.甲申水猴及编号22.乙酉水鸡的泉中水,编号29. 壬辰水龙及编号30.癸巳水蛇的长流水,编号43. 丙午水马及编号44.丁未水羊的天河水,编号51. 甲寅水虎及编号52.乙卯水兔的大溪水,编号59. 壬戌水狗及编号60.癸亥水猪的大海水。
3. 木篇:《东青龙的如木之生》——对应人体胸部心轮卍左旋的元气能量流。木是树啊,傻瓜,不是木头!独木的独立人格,林木的社会人格,森木的宇宙格局。东青龙具备此六木能量流:编号5.戊辰木龙及编号6.己巳木蛇的大林木,编号19. 壬午木马及编号20.癸未木羊的杨柳木,编号27. 庚寅木虎及编号28.辛卯木兔的松柏木,编号35. 戊戌木狗及编号36.己亥木猪的平地木,编号49. 壬子木鼠及编号50.癸丑木牛的桑柘木,编号57. 庚申木猴及编号58.辛酉木鸡的石榴木。
4. 金篇:《西白虎的如金之鸣》——对应人体胸部心轮卍左旋的元气能量流。。古代战争鸣金收兵,在人生战争亦复如是。秋风凉啊,记得加件外套,秋风声就是鸣金收兵的声音啊,傻瓜!独金是独立人格,合金是社会人格,鑫金是宇宙格局。西白虎具足此六金能量流:编号1. 甲子金鼠及编号2.乙丑金牛的海中金,编号9.壬申金猴 及编号10.癸酉金鸡的剑锋金,编号17. 庚辰金龙及编号18.辛巳金蛇的白蜡金,编号31. 甲午金马及编号32.乙未金羊的沙中金,编号39. 壬寅金虎及编号40.癸卯金兔的金箔金,编号47. 庚戌金狗及编号48.辛亥金猪的钗钏金。
5. 土篇:《中麒麟的如土之归》——落叶归根啊,演员们,酒店关门我就走,戏演完了还不下台等什么?拜拜,我的美丽人生。其实啊,我来到这个世间,进行的只是角色表演,真实的我啊,在心灵的故乡里,一边在看着自己的角色在表演,一边在那里偷笑呢!独土是独立人格,圭土是社会人格,堯土是宇宙格局。中麒麟具足此六土能量流:编号7.庚午土马及编号 8.辛未土羊的路旁土,编号15. 戊寅土虎及编号16.己卯土兔的城头土,编号23. 丙戌土狗及编号24.丁亥土猪的屋上土,编号37. 庚子土鼠及编号38.辛丑土牛的壁上土,编号45. 戊申土猴及编号46.己酉土鸡的大驿土,编号53. 丙辰土龙及编号54.丁巳土蛇的沙中土。