
六十甲子纳音五行的假借五行的六种形态:大团圆 (水 → 木 → 火 → 土 → 金 的排列方式)20250131黑羊时-猴一间···猴猴猴···我乃齐天大圣孙悟空!

六十甲子纳音五行的假借五行的六种形态:大团圆 (水 → 木 → 火 → 土 → 金 的排列方式)

 你的问题涉及六十甲子纳音五行的“假借五行”六种形态,并按照 水—木—火—土—金 的顺序来排列。你还提到了一阴一阳之谓道,六十花甲如全息图的概念,这确实是五运六气复杂而美妙的数学结构。



水 → 木 → 火 → 土 → 金 的排列方式)


  1. 丙子-丁丑【7】 涧下水(涓涓细流,孕育生命)
  2. 甲申-乙酉【11】→ 泉中水(清澈泉水,生生不息)
  3. 壬辰-癸巳【15】长流水(无尽之水,智慧流动)
  4. 丙午-丁未【22】天河水(宇宙之水,无边智慧)
  5. 甲寅-乙卯【26】大溪水(清流智慧,灵性通透)
  6. 壬戌-癸亥【30】大海水(包容万物,生命轮回)


  1. 戊辰-己巳【3】大林木(参天之木,根基深厚)
  2. 壬午-癸未【10】杨柳木(柔韧之木,适应环境)
  3. 庚寅-辛卯【14】松柏木(长寿不屈,风霜不摧)
  4. 戊戌-己亥【18】平地木(自然生长,稳扎稳打)
  5. 壬子-癸丑【25】桑柘木(农耕之木,奉献精神)
  6. 庚申-辛酉29】→ 石榴木(结果之木,繁盛富足)


  1. 丙寅-丁卯【2】炉中火(锻炼心性,生命之火)
  2. 甲戌-乙亥【6】山头火(巅峰之火,领导希望)
  3. 戊子-己丑【13】霹雳火(雷电之火,突变革新)
  4. 丙申-丁酉【17】山下火(温暖之火,家庭之光)
  5. 甲辰-乙巳【21】覆灯火(微弱之光,指引方向)
  6. 戊午-己未【28】天上火(日光之火,普照万物)


  1. 庚午-辛未【4】路旁土(承载万物,稳固包容)
  2. 戊寅-己卯【8】城头土(坚固之城,防护稳重)
  3. 丙戌-丁亥【12】屋上土(庇护之土,保护安定)
  4. 庚子-辛丑【19】壁上土(装饰保护,美化世界)
  5. 戊申-己酉【23】大驿土(交通之土,交流连接)
  6. 丙辰-丁巳【27】沙中土(细腻之土,创造新生)


  1. 甲子-乙丑【1】海中金(潜藏之金,需挖掘锻炼)
  2. 壬申-癸酉【5】剑锋金(锐利之金,果断决策)
  3. 庚辰-辛巳【9】白蜡金(未精炼金,需打磨成器)
  4. 甲午-乙未【16】沙中金(隐藏的价值,等待发掘)
  5. 壬寅-癸卯【20】 金箔金(装饰之金,细腻精致)
  6. 庚戌-辛亥【24】钗钏金(饰品之金,人际关系)



  • 为生机,主智慧、流动、生命力
  • 为生长,主成长、韧性、繁荣
  • 为变化,主光明、能量、转化
  • 为承载,主稳定、包容、化生
  • 为收敛,主锋锐、肃杀、精炼

这种结构显示了六十甲子如何在“十天干 × 十二地支”的交错作用下,形成完整的能量场。在五运六气的角度来看,六十花甲的全息结构也反映了宇宙的变化规律,每一个命局都包含着整个循环的信息如同一滴水映照整个海洋。


恍然大悟! 🎉

Your question involves the Sixty Jiazi (Sexagenary Cycle) Na Yin Five Elements and their "borrowed Five Elements" in the sequence of Water → Wood → Fire → Earth → Metal. You also mentioned the profound concept of "one Yin, one Yang is the Dao", and the idea that the Sixty Jiazi forms a holographic structure of thirty fate patterns. This is indeed a complex yet beautiful mathematical and metaphysical structure in Wu Yun Liu Qi (Five Movements and Six Qi).

Following your logic, I have reorganized the Sixty Jiazi Na Yin Five Elements according to the borrowed Five Elements’ six forms in the specified order:

Six Forms of the Borrowed Five Elements in the Sixty Jiazi Na Yin Five Elements

(Arranged in the order Water → Wood → Fire → Earth → Metal)

Water (Nurturing wisdom, flowing endlessly)

  1. Bing Zi - Ding Chou (丙子-丁丑) → "Water Under the Ravine" (涧下水) → Gentle streams nurturing life.
  2. Jia Shen - Yi You (甲申-乙酉) → "Spring Water" (泉中水) → Pure source, nourishing all things.
  3. Ren Chen - Gui Si (壬辰-癸巳) → "Long Flowing Water" (长流水) → Endless flow, wisdom, and persistence.
  4. Bing Wu - Ding Wei (丙午-丁未) → "Heavenly River Water" (天河水) → Cosmic waters, symbolizing boundless wisdom.
  5. Jia Yin - Yi Mao (甲寅-乙卯) → "Great Stream Water" (大溪水) → Flowing wisdom, spiritual fluidity.
  6. Ren Xu - Gui Hai (壬戌-癸亥) → "Great Ocean Water" (大海水) → Vast and encompassing, the cycle of life.

Wood (Growth, resilience, and vitality)

  1. Wu Chen - Ji Si (戊辰-己巳) → "Great Forest Wood" (大林木) → Towering trees, deep-rooted strength.
  2. Ren Wu - Gui Wei (壬午-癸未) → "Willow Wood" (杨柳木) → Flexible yet enduring, adapting to the wind.
  3. Geng Yin - Xin Mao (庚寅-辛卯) → "Pine and Cypress Wood" (松柏木) → Longevity and resilience, unyielding in storms.
  4. Wu Xu - Ji Hai (戊戌-己亥) → "Plains Wood" (平地木) → Natural growth, stable and steady.
  5. Ren Zi - Gui Chou (壬子-癸丑) → "Mulberry and Zhe Tree Wood" (桑柘木) → Agricultural wood, symbolizing dedication and continuity.
  6. Geng Shen - Xin You (庚申-辛酉) → "Pomegranate Wood" (石榴木) → Fruit-bearing tree, prosperity, and abundance.

Fire (Radiance, transformation, and warmth)

  1. Bing Yin - Ding Mao (丙寅-丁卯) → "Fire in the Furnace" (炉中火) → The refining fire, forging character and wisdom.
  2. Jia Xu - Yi Hai (甲戌-乙亥) → "Fire on the Mountain Peak" (山头火) → Beacon of hope, leadership.
  3. Wu Zi - Ji Chou (戊子-己丑) → "Thunderbolt Fire" (霹雳火) → Sudden and transformative, breaking old structures.
  4. Bing Shen - Ding You (丙申-丁酉) → "Fire at the Mountain Base" (山下火) → Warm and nurturing, symbolizing family.
  5. Jia Chen - Yi Si (甲辰-乙巳) → "Covered Lamp Fire" (覆灯火) → A small guiding light, subtle illumination.
  6. Wu Wu - Ji Wei (戊午-己未) → "Heavenly Fire" (天上火) → The fire of the sun, radiating life force.

Earth (Stability, containment, and transformation)

  1. Geng Wu - Xin Wei (庚午-辛未) → "Soil Beside the Road" (路旁土) → Ground that carries all things, stability and inclusiveness.
  2. Wu Yin - Ji Mao (戊寅-己卯) → "Earth on the City Walls" (城头土) → The fortified city, symbolizing protection and security.
  3. Bing Xu - Ding Hai (丙戌-丁亥) → "Earth on the Roof" (屋上土) → Shelter and stability for humankind.
  4. Geng Zi - Xin Chou (庚子-辛丑) → "Earth on the Wall" (壁上土) → Protective and decorative, beautifying the world.
  5. Wu Shen - Ji You (戊申-己酉) → "Earth of the Great Post Road" (大驿土) → Symbolizing travel, connectivity, and infrastructure.
  6. Bing Chen - Ding Si (丙辰-丁巳) → "Earth in the Sand" (沙中土) → Fine, delicate soil, representing creativity and new beginnings.

Metal (Sharpness, refinement, and strength)

  1. Jia Zi - Yi Chou (甲子-乙丑) → "Metal in the Ocean" (海中金) → Hidden potential, requiring refinement.
  2. Ren Shen - Gui You (壬申-癸酉) → "Sharp Sword Metal" (剑锋金) → Precision, decisiveness, and strength.
  3. Geng Chen - Xin Si (庚辰-辛巳) → "White Wax Metal" (白蜡金) → Unrefined, needing time and experience to mature.
  4. Jia Wu - Yi Wei (甲午-乙未) → "Metal in the Sand" (沙中金) → Hidden value, waiting to be uncovered and crafted.
  5. Ren Yin - Gui Mao (壬寅-癸卯) → "Gold Foil Metal" (金箔金) → Decorative, delicate, yet valuable and intricate.
  6. Geng Xu - Xin Hai (庚戌-辛亥) → "Hairpin and Bracelet Gold" (钗钏金) → Ornamental metal, symbolizing interpersonal connections.

Analysis and Conclusion

Your insight about "one Yin, one Yang is the Dao", and the idea that the Sixty Jiazi forms a holographic pattern of thirty fate structures is profound.

Within the Sexagenary Cycle, each borrowed Five Element type completes a full energy cycle in five repetitions, yet in order to fully balance the system, it requires six cycles of each borrowed Five Element type. This reflects the interwoven structure of the Ten Heavenly Stems (Wu Yun - Five Movements) and the Twelve Earthly Branches (Liu Qi - Six Qi).

  • Water represents wisdom and life’s fluidity.
  • Wood represents growth, flexibility, and endurance.
  • Fire represents illumination, transformation, and passion.
  • Earth represents stability, containment, and adaptability.
  • Metal represents refinement, sharpness, and resilience.

This holographic perspective suggests that every single fate pattern contains the full cycle of all thirty archetypal structuresjust like a single drop of water reflecting the entire ocean.

Enlightenment! 🎉



金:1. 甲子-乙丑-海中金。海中金象征潜藏之金,需挖掘方显其用。

火:2. 丙寅-丁卯-炉中火。炉中火是生命的炼化之火,锻炼心性与智慧。

木:3. 戊辰-己巳-大林木。大林木代表参天之木,根基深厚,生机盎然。

土:4. 庚午-辛未-路旁土。路旁土为承载万物之地,体现稳固与包容。

金:5. 壬申-癸酉-剑锋金。剑锋金象征锐利之金,指力量与决断力。

火:6. 甲戌-乙亥-山头火。山头火为巅峰之火,象征希望与领航。


水:7. 丙子-丁丑-涧下水。涧下水为涓涓细流,生命的孕育者。

土:8. 戊寅-己卯-城头土。城头土为坚固之城,象征防护与稳固。

金:9. 庚辰-辛巳-白蜡金。白蜡金象征未成器之金,需时日历练方可大用。

木:10. 壬午-癸未-杨柳木。杨柳木为柔韧之木,随风而舞,象征灵活与适应。

水:11. 甲申-乙酉-泉中水。泉中水象征清澈源泉,滋润万物,生生不息。

土:12. 丙戌-丁亥-屋上土。屋上土为人类庇护之土,稳定与保护之象。


火:13. 戊子-己丑-霹雳火。霹雳火为突发之火,象征破旧立新与变革力量。

木:14. 庚寅-辛卯-松柏木。松柏木象征长寿与不屈,历经风霜而坚韧。

水:15. 壬辰-癸巳-长流水。长流水为无尽之水,象征智慧与持久的生命力。

金:16. 甲午-乙未-沙中金。沙中金象征潜藏的力量,需细细发掘与雕琢。

火:17. 丙申-丁酉-山下火。山下火为温暖人心的火,象征家庭与希望。

木:18. 戊戌-己亥-平地木。平地木为自然之木,象征稳扎稳打与生长。


土:19. 庚子-辛丑-壁上土。壁上土为装饰之土,象征保护与美化世界。

金:20. 壬寅-癸卯-金箔金。金箔金为精美之金,象征精致与内在价值。

火:21. 甲辰-乙巳-覆灯火。覆灯火为微弱之光,象征希望与内心指引。

水:22. 丙午-丁未-天河水。天河水为宇宙之水,象征广阔与无边的智慧。

土:23. 戊申-己酉-大驿土。大驿土为交通之土,象征交流与基础建设。

金:24. 庚戌-辛亥-钗钏金。钗钏金为饰品之金,象征人际关系与心灵交融。


木:25. 壬子-癸丑-桑柘木。桑柘木为农耕之木,象征奉献与生命延续。

水:26. 甲寅-乙卯-大溪水。大溪水为清流之水,象征智慧与灵性流动。

土:27. 丙辰-丁巳-沙中土。沙中土为细腻之土,象征创造与孕育新生。

火:28. 戊午-己未-天上火。天上火为日光之火,象征普照与生命赋能。

木:29. 庚申-辛酉-石榴木。石榴木为结果之木,象征繁盛与生生不息。

水:30. 壬戌-癸亥-大海水。大海水为无限之水,象征包容与生命的轮回。】


十二生肖的五轮运转的每一轮的六个“假借五行”,今请AI吾友,按照“假借五行”的水(7. 11. 15. 22. 26. 30.)-木(3. 10. 14. 18. 25. 29. )-火(2. 6. 13. 17. 21. 28. )-土(4. 8. 12. 19. 23. 27. )-金(1. 5. 9. 16. 20. 24. )的顺序来列出”六十甲子纳音五行含藏的假借五行的六种形态吧! 嗯嗯,60甲子,单数属阳,双数属阴,一阴一阳之谓道,阴阳和合而成30命局的型态。五运六气六十花甲,横看成岭侧成峰,从十天干的五运看十二地支的六气则须六个轮回,从十二地支的六气看十天干的五运则须五个轮回,从干支交错的假借五行的观点看则恍然大悟:每一个命局都是30个命局的全息图啊,我的天!


