

0. 四大菩萨之目、足、油、灯四象

1. 目之象:大愿为目,地藏菩萨之愿景也,Vision of Bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha. We all need a clear vision with a sense of mission for our lives.  

2. 足之象:大行为足,普贤菩萨之行动也,Action plan of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra. We all need a concrete action plan with a sense of reality for the vision in our lives. 

3. 目足交资之象:世界有尽、我愿无穷之目足交资之佛菩萨大人也,An enlightened person who is head in clouds with a clear vision and feet on ground with a concrete action plan.

4. 灯油之象:大悲为灯油,观音菩萨之无相慈悲也,Great compassion of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. We all need to cultivate a bottomless heart of unconditional love to overcome all negative emotions in our heart. 

5. 油灯之象:大智为油灯,文殊菩萨之空性智慧也,Sunyata wisdom of Bodhivattva Manjusri. We all need to cultivate a topless mind of reflective wisdom to see through all illusions in our lives. 

6. 膏(油膏)明(明灯)相赖之象:六七因中转之佛菩萨大人也,An enlightened person who possesses a boundless soul of undivided life with a heart which is full of love and a mind which is full of light. 

