0. 四句教,四法义
1. 佛说四句教,法藏义。此摄众生界之外境·庇护所、依报之受用处、祈求诸佛护佑之催眠处。Don't be afraid. What you say will only be kept within these four walls. => Concept of Safe Space. Of course, it's necessary for majority of people yet we need to learn and grow to step out of the comfort zone of artificially built safe space. We need to encourage ourselves to be brave to explore and discover the brave space waiting for us, right there.
2. 佛说空,法性义。此摄因地修行人之内心世界之上求佛道、不住生死之始觉上转之逆觉返证历程,以证得般若空慧为究竟。Raise yourself up to the top of your mind and then break through the top to touch the ultimate dimension of the topless mind of reflective wisdom.
3. 佛说有,法相义。此摄果地大菩萨之佛国世界之下化众生、不住涅槃之本觉下转之率性任情历程,而彰显无相慈悲之实相。Calm yourself down to the bottom of your heart and then break through the bottom to return to the ultimate dimension of the bottomless heart of unconditional love.
4. 佛说中,法界义。此摄法界诸佛之源头活水之上下一气、无住生心之始本不二之本来面目,亦即无上菩提之事事圆融无碍法界。Invite yourself back to the home of the present moment in the Here and in the Now by breathing in and out in a slow-long-even-soft manners. In the Here of the present moment, you are at the center of the universe; and, you are living in the eternity at the Now of the present moment.