

0. 佛学、佛教、佛法:众生成佛的次第. Learning of Buddhism, teaching of Buddhism and Practicing of Buddhism are the three phases of freeing ourselves from all kinds of sufferings.

1. 佛学是般若之学,不是外在的知识之学,而是内在的空慧之学、大圆镜智之学。Learning of Buddhism is the learning of Sunyata Wisdom, not the learning of the external knowledge, but the learning of internal reflective wisdom. Your mind simply serves as a big round mirror to reflect everything in the universe

2. 佛教是慈悲之教,不是外在的好公民教育,而是内在的真爱之教、没有边界的大爱之教。Teaching of Buddhism is the teaching of loving kindness and compassion, not the teaching of the external Character and Citizenship Education, but the teaching of internal unconditional love. Your bottomless heart of unconditional love simply embraces every being, be it living being or non-living being, in the universe.  

3. 佛法是菩提之法,不是外在的宗教之法,而是内在的觉悟之法、当下即是之法。Practicing of Buddhism is the practicing of Bodhi (enlightenment), not the practicing of external religious doctrine, but the practicing of internal being of totally free and fully at ease. Your boundless soul of deathless courage is at home when you are able to live in the peace and happiness of present moments. Yes, your peace and happiness are in the present moments of this life, not after life. If you know how to live your life, one life is enough.  

