
境界小小说《境界》 Short Novel “Realm” 20250127白牛时-马一间































Short Novel “Realm”

Prologue: The Journey of Tianlai Xiaozhi

Tianlai Xiaozhi, driven by a deep desire to understand the concept of “realm,” embarks on a journey of seeking wisdom. He wanders through mountains and rivers, often contemplating the classics and deeply examining ancient texts, yet one puzzle remains unsolved in his heart: “What is realm? What is the true ‘Dao’?”

One day, Tianlai Xiaozhi encounters two ethereal beings—Jing Xianzi (Realm Fairy) and Jie Xianzi (Boundary Fairy).

Chapter One: Jing Xianzi and the Life of “Chang Jiguang Tu” (The Eternal Light Land)

Jing Xianzi, draped in flowing robes, exudes a profound sense of tranquility and wisdom. Her demeanor embodies the eternal peace of “Chang Jiguang Tu”—a state of infinite, unchanging light. Her eyes seem to hold the entirety of existence, revealing the ultimate truth of life.

“If you wish to understand ‘realm,’ come with me,” Jing Xianzi says with a gentle smile, her voice carrying an irresistible depth.

Tianlai Xiaozhi follows her across the mountains, through the valleys. Along the way, Jing Xianzi speaks softly: “Realm is not something external but the peace within. ‘Chang Jiguang Tu’ represents this very state—completely encompassing, pure and unburdened. ‘The ultimate is Buddha.’ The ordinary mind is the Dao.”

Her words are like nourishing rain, soothing Tianlai Xiaozhi’s heart. It feels as though a dormant seed within him is starting to bask in the sunlight.

“Look, over there is a temple. Zhao Zhou, the famous Zen master, is receiving guests. Let us go and drink tea with him,” Jing Xianzi suggests.

Zhao Zhou, the renowned Zen master, famous for his words “Drink tea,” immediately captures Tianlai Xiaozhi’s respect.

Chapter Two: Zhao Zhou and the Wisdom of “Drinking Tea”

When they meet Zhao Zhou, he smiles gently and says, “Drink tea.”

Tianlai Xiaozhi is puzzled: “What does this mean?”

Jing Xianzi softly explains, “Drinking tea is not just a simple act. It is an attitude toward life, a manifestation of realm. ‘Drink tea’ means to let go of all attachments and follow the present moment, embracing one’s true nature. This is the embodiment of ‘the ordinary mind’ and the wisdom of ‘Chang Jiguang Tu.’”

Zhao Zhou takes a sip of tea and softly says, “Realm is not something to be acquired. It comes naturally. When you have no desires, all things are empty, and the tea will naturally enter your heart, bringing Zen with it.”

Tianlai Xiaozhi remains silent for a long while, deeply moved. The tea is not only nourishing his throat but also nurturing his wandering soul.

“Ordinary mind is the Dao. ‘Drinking tea’ is Zen,” he murmurs.

Chapter Three: Jie Xianzi and the Philosophy of “Returning to the Countryside”

Following Jing Xianzi, Tianlai Xiaozhi journeys further. They arrive in a peaceful village, surrounded by the timeless breath of nature. Jie Xianzi, dressed in simple robes, has a quiet yet unwavering presence, embodying a different kind of wisdom. While Jing Xianzi’s presence is ethereal, Jie Xianzi is grounded and immovable, like a stone in the earth, embodying the spirit of the land itself.

“This is the philosophy of ‘returning to the countryside,’” Jie Xianzi says. “Do you see? There is no bustling noise here, no distractions. Everything here, from every tree to every leaf, is a simple expression of life.”

Tianlai Xiaozhi observes quietly, suddenly reminded of “Jie Zhitu”—the man who, rather than accepting rewards from Duke Jin, preferred to die in the cold of winter. People never understood why he would refuse such gifts, but Tianlai Xiaozhi feels the wisdom behind it. Jie Xianzi, as if seeing his confusion, smiles and explains: “Do you see that well and that cauldron? They represent the inner world of Jie Zhitu. He did not seek wealth or power, but simply the purity of life, represented by the well—clear and still, and the cauldron—symbolizing his unwavering principles.”

Tianlai Xiaozhi walks toward the well and gazes down into the crystal-clear water. Suddenly, he understands. Jie Zhitu’s life wasn’t about gaining or losing; it was about the preservation of inner purity and the guarding of his spirit. At that moment, Tianlai Xiaozhi perceives the coolness amidst the flames, gaining insight into Jie Zhitu’s wisdom.

“Fire burns the mountain, cold food for the day,” Tianlai Xiaozhi whispers. “This is a realm that transcends material desires.”

Jie Xianzi nods with a look of quiet approval.

Chapter Four: Tianlai Xiaozhi’s Realization and Return

As Tianlai Xiaozhi reflects on his journey, he realizes the true meaning of “realm.” Jing Xianzi’s teachings have shown him the way of the ordinary mind, while Jie Xianzi’s example reveals the depth of transcendence and return to the essence.

He returns to the mountains, his heart as clear as water, without attachment or desire. He now understands that “realm” is not a distant or unattainable goal, but rather a power within each person. It is the awareness and freedom in every moment.

Tianlai Xiaozhi looks back at the well and softly murmurs, “Jie Zhitu’s life is like this well, a respect for life and the guarding of one’s inner world.” He stands up, feeling the breeze on his face, his mind open like the vast sea. At last, he has found his own realm.

The End.

提示🔔……境界小小说《境界》。人物:天来小子与境仙子及界仙子。1. 境仙子: 境仙子象“常寂光土”的“究竟即佛”的人生境界。平常心就是道。境仙子带天来小子来找赵州和尚“喝茶去”。 2. 界仙子:界仙子象“归隐田园”的“隐士介之推”。世人打死都不明白为何介之推宁可死也不愿接受晋文公的赏赐,天来小子却彻悟介之推生命中的一口井及一口鼎。嗯嗯,烈火焚山,寒食度日。

