

提示🔔…… 一般人只知道过年的倒计时,却不懂得今生今世的倒计时。普贤菩萨悲天悯人地说:水越来越少啊,鱼儿们,你们还有好久的欢愉啊?


普贤菩萨曾悲天悯人地感叹:“水越来越少了,鱼儿们,你们还能有多久的欢愉?” 这不仅是对生命有限的哀叹,更是对迷惘众生的慈悲提醒。我们像那些鱼一样,浸泡在时间的河流里,却常常沉迷于短暂的乐趣,而不去思索这条河的尽头在哪里。


鱼儿啊,不要等到水枯竭时才后悔未曾畅游天地;人啊,不要等到灯枯油尽时才哀叹未曾真正活过。 愿我们都能像普贤菩萨所言,看清生命的本质,觉悟倒计时的意义,用每一个当下去成就永恒的智慧与慈悲。

Most people only know the countdown to the New Year, but few realize the countdown of their own lives. The red lanterns glow, the firecrackers roar, and amidst the festive joy, it feels as though time is infinite. Yet, with every passing moment, the silent truth whispers: time is irreversible, and life is always ticking down.

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, with boundless compassion, once lamented: “The water is running dry. Oh, fish, how much longer will your joy last?” This is not merely a lament for finite existence but a compassionate reminder to all sentient beings. Like the fish swimming in a dwindling stream, we immerse ourselves in the flow of time, distracted by fleeting pleasures, often forgetting to ponder where the river leads.

Life’s countdown is like an hourglass, each grain of sand slipping away silently, irretrievably. What we can do is not to bemoan the brevity of time but to cherish the present moment. Let every grain of sand shine as a brilliant instant, turning finite time into infinite meaning.

Oh, fish, do not wait until the river runs dry to regret not exploring the vast waters; and oh, humanity, do not wait until the light of life dims to lament having never truly lived. May we, as Samantabhadra teaches, see the essence of life, awaken to the significance of this countdown, and use every moment to cultivate wisdom and compassion, transforming the fleeting into the eternal.

