

提示词【无意识我,我执的我,情绪黑洞的我,第七末那识的我,啊!不就是平等性智的我吗?你好啊,我认出你的真实身份啦!  || 集体无意识我,法执的我,意识迷宫的我,第六意识的我,啊!不就是妙观察智的我吗?我找得你好苦啊,嗯嗯,总算找到了!】


1. 无意识我、我执的我、情绪黑洞的我、末那识的我:这些都是不同层次的自我认知,代表着人的潜意识、固守的自我身份、情绪的困境以及深层的执着与思维模式。作者通过这些层次的揭示,表明这种自我并非全然真实或具备觉醒的智慧。

2. 平等性智的我:这里的“平等性智”指的是佛教中的一种智慧,能够洞察事物的本质,超越个人执念与分别心。也就是说,平等性智的我是一种没有偏见、没有我执的觉醒状态。

3. 集体无意识我、法执的我、意识迷宫的我、第六意识的我:这些则指向了更高层次的精神层面,包括集体无意识(与全人类的共享经验相关)、法执(对教义的僵化执着)、意识迷宫(复杂的思维网络)以及第六意识(通常指直觉或深层意识的层面)。

4. 妙观察智的我:这里的“妙观察智”是另一种智慧,强调深刻、精准的洞察能力,能够透过表象看到事物的本质。这种智慧帮助个体摆脱外界的困扰,达到一种真实的自我认知。


This passage centers on the awareness and recognition of the inner self, exploring the process of awakening through various layers (unconscious self, ego, emotional black holes, the seventh mind, collective unconscious, attachment to doctrine, and the maze of consciousness).

1. Unconscious self, ego, emotional black hole self, the seventh mind self: These represent different levels of self-recognition, including the subconscious, rigid self-identity, emotional turmoil, and deep-seated attachment or thought patterns. The passage suggests that this self is not entirely real or awakened.

2. Equanimous wisdom self: “Equanimous wisdom” refers to a type of wisdom in Buddhist philosophy that perceives the true nature of things, transcending personal attachments and biases. This “equanimous wisdom self” represents a state of awakening without ego or attachment.

3. Collective unconscious self, attachment to doctrine self, maze of consciousness self, the sixth consciousness self: These point to higher levels of spiritual awareness, including the collective unconscious (shared human experience), attachment to doctrine (rigid adherence to teachings), the maze of consciousness (complex mental networks), and the sixth consciousness (usually referring to intuition or deeper awareness).

4. Marvelous discerning wisdom self: “Marvelous discerning wisdom” is another type of wisdom, emphasizing deep, precise insight. It enables one to see beyond appearances and understand the essence of things. This wisdom helps individuals break free from external distractions and achieve true self-awareness.

In conclusion, the passage means that through profound introspection and self-reflection, one can awaken and recognize their true identity, transcending self-imposed limitations, and attain inner peace and wisdom.

