
天来小子内观周易讼卦的人生玄义。20250121黑猴1633. 【这是幸福人生的最极重要法门:化解口舌纠纷的心法!!!】


提示词【中文解读。天来小子内观周易讼卦的人生玄义。1. 讼,非外在之官司也,乃良心法庭之内自讼也!慎独也!2. 故此卦之象辞曰:天与水违行,讼;君子以做事谋始。始于人体海底轮的北玄武天根处的内卦坎的慎独而独慎的一口井啊!终于顶轮的南朱雀月窟处的外卦乾的诚意而意诚的一口鼎啊!中于心轮的卍字左旋的东青龙春分点及卐字右旋的西白虎秋分点的井鼎交融的慎独于内及诚意于外的内外打通的龙腾虎跃的美妙人生! 3. 六爻的象辞如是说。初六象辞:不永所事,讼不可长也;虽小有言,其辩明也。九二象辞:不克讼,归而逋也;自下讼上,患至掇(自取)也。六三象辞:食旧德,从上吉也。九四象辞:复即命,渝安贞,吉,不失也。九五象辞:讼,元吉,以中正也。上九象辞:以讼受服,亦不足敬也。天来小子内观周易讼卦的人生玄义解读




1. 天与水违行,讼


  • 起点:始于海底轮(坎卦,北玄武天根),象征内心深处的“慎独”——良心发现并激活人性及启动天命(无意识我;the Unconscious)人之所以为人在良心。
  • 终点:终于顶轮(乾卦,南朱雀月窟),象征诚意的至诚感通的天外有天的突破——天理流行而大彻大悟天之所以为天(集体无意识我;the Collective Unconscious)天之所以为天在天理。
  • 过程:心轮是关键,在春分与秋分的青龙与白虎能量交融中,达成内外和谐——内丹修炼至此,则炉火纯青,而九转金丹火候已足矣。心之所以为心在心即理。心即理者,天人合一也,人同此心、心同此理也!





  • 解读:初爻象征争讼的萌芽,提醒不要执着于微小争端。小范围的争论可以带来觉悟,但长久纠缠只会耗费心力。
  • 启示:在人生初始阶段,学会辨明是非,但不沉迷于争胜。【心灵心语:对方无理取闹,一上来就口吐毒蛇,要警觉,内心退避三舍。心法:守口如瓶;不要回应!】



  • 解读:身处下位的人,若执意与上位争讼,只会招致更多灾祸。
  • 启示:懂得认清自己的位置,避免因过度执着而自取其祸。【心灵心语:对方继续劈里啪啦,把对方当成上司、父母,自己不可违逆,否则自取其祸。心法:地山·谦卦;保持低调。】



  • 解读:此爻强调尊重传统与积累的德行,追随贤明者是吉利的。
  • 启示:回归正道,依循过往的智慧经验,方能化解争执。【心灵心语:对方气头过了,说到点上了,立即微笑点头,充分令之知道自己已信受!心法:花开堪折直须折。】



  • 解读:若能回归命理与天道,坚持中正不移,终将获得安定。
  • 启示:在人生中段,关键在于顺天应命,内心安稳才能吉祥。【心灵心语:慎独沟通了,就要诚意落实。心法:外在的争讼中,有大量的垃圾信息,要从中找到关键信息。沙中淘金。】



  • 解读:处于核心位置的人,若能秉持中正之道,便可化争为吉。
  • 启示:中正是化解人生矛盾的关键。心存公正,方能消弭纷争。【心灵心语:按照关键信息来落实,对方心服口服。心法:诚意而意诚,由内而外,与对方一点关系也没有,对方沾光了却不知道,反而来邀功。由他去,笑笑就好。】



  • 解读:过度依赖争讼即便取胜,也难赢得真正的尊敬。
  • 启示:人生的最终阶段,重在放下执念,以德服人,而非诉讼取胜。【心灵心语:从初爻到五爻,一路上小心翼翼,顺利过关,没想到,在上爻处一不小心,却出言打败对方,令之口服心不服。心法:慎终如始,不可疏忽。】



  • 核心理念:从内观“慎独”(坎:与人发生口舌的险阻重重)到外行“诚意”(乾:诚意而意诚的独孤求败的节节胜利),贯穿人生的井鼎之道。
  • 生命轨迹:从北玄武到南朱雀,从青龙的春分到白虎的秋分,人生如天龙地马般腾跃,也如井与鼎般交融升华。
  • 启示:人生的争讼,不在于争执他人,而在于打败自己而与自己的和解;化外在的矛盾为内心的觉悟,以讼卦的德行和智慧为自己与别人的人生指引

The Profound Philosophy of Life in Hexagram Song (讼): A Journey of Inner Reflection

Song: A Court of Conscience and the Art of Inner Reflection

Hexagram Song does not signify external litigation but rather an internal court of conscience. It calls for a practice of self-awareness and "慎独" (shendu, self-reflection in solitude). True contention lies not in external disputes but in recognizing and reconciling inner conflicts through sincerity within and integrity without.

The Imagery and Philosophy of Song

1. The Image: Heaven and Water Move Apart, Creating Song

The upper trigram Qian (Heaven) and lower trigram Kan (Water) symbolize divergence and conflict. However, this tension is not insurmountable; it sets the stage for harmonization:

  • Beginning: Rooted in the base chakra (海底轮), represented by Kan (Water) and the Northern Black Tortoise (玄武). This symbolizes deep self-reflection, uncovering the wellspring of inner truth.
  • End: Culminates at the crown chakra (顶轮), represented by Qian (Heaven) and the Southern Vermilion Bird (朱雀). This signifies the manifestation of sincerity and clarity in the outer world.
  • Middle Path: The heart chakra serves as a bridge. The Spring Equinox (Eastern Azure Dragon) and Autumn Equinox (Western White Tiger) energies merge, harmonizing the internal and external realms for a dynamic and flourishing life.

This journey transforms inner conflicts into a harmonious dance of energy, symbolized by dragons soaring and tigers leaping, connecting the well of introspection with the cauldron of fulfillment.

Interpretation of the Six Lines

Line 1 (初六):

"Do not persist in your undertaking; lawsuits should not endure. Though there are minor arguments, clarity arises."

  • Meaning: The first line represents the initial stage of conflict. It advises against prolonged disputes and emphasizes resolving small disagreements through clarity.
  • Insight: In the early stages of life, learn to discern right from wrong without clinging to minor grievances.

Line 2 (九二):

"One cannot win the lawsuit and retreats instead. Bringing a case against those above leads to disaster."

  • Meaning: This line warns against challenging authority or escalating disputes from a lower position, as it will invite misfortune.
  • Insight: Recognize your limitations and avoid unnecessary confrontations to prevent self-inflicted harm.

Line 3 (六三):

"Rely on past virtues; following those above brings good fortune."

  • Meaning: This line emphasizes the importance of honoring tradition and aligning with virtuous leaders for guidance.
  • Insight: Rely on wisdom from the past to navigate present challenges, avoiding unnecessary contention.

Line 4 (九四):

"Return to one’s destiny, transform, and remain steadfast. This brings fortune and avoids loss."

  • Meaning: Returning to the path of destiny and maintaining integrity leads to stability and blessings.
  • Insight: At the midpoint of life, align with natural laws and cultivate inner peace for lasting harmony.

Line 5 (九五):

"Litigation resolves with great fortune by upholding righteousness."

  • Meaning: Occupying a central position, this line highlights the power of justice and fairness in resolving disputes.
  • Insight: True resolution comes from a heart centered in integrity, transcending superficial conflicts.

Line 6 (上九):

"Victory in lawsuits may earn submission, but it does not command true respect."

  • Meaning: Excessive reliance on contention, even if successful, fails to inspire genuine admiration or connection.
  • Insight: In life’s later stages, prioritize virtue and wisdom over hollow victories.

The Journey of Song: From Inner Reflection to Outer Harmony

The Song hexagram describes a transformative journey from internal conflict to external harmony:

  • Core Philosophy: Begin with introspection (shendu, 坎), rise to outward sincerity (chengyi, 乾), and integrate the two for a fulfilling and enlightened life.
  • Trajectory of Growth: The path begins in the Northern Black Tortoise, ascends to the Southern Vermilion Bird, and harmonizes the energies of the Eastern Azure Dragon (Spring Equinox) and Western White Tiger (Autumn Equinox).
  • Ultimate Wisdom: True contention is not about winning external battles but reconciling inner discord, finding peace within, and radiating sincerity outward.


Song teaches us that life’s greatest disputes are resolved not by force but by justice and wisdom. By aligning the well of inner reflection with the cauldron of outer fulfillment, we can transcend conflict and embody the dance of dragons and tigers—a life of harmony, balance, and profound joy.

