
I say therefore I am 我说故我在

1. I say therefore I am. 我说故我在。

2. I remain silence when I am not ready to live fully to my life. 我保持沉默,当我未能活出完整的自己。

3. I say when I am ready to share my inner peace and happiness with people around me. 我说个不停,当我能够与身旁的人分享内在的宁静和喜悦。

4. I remail silence when I cannot live in the present moments. 我保持沉默,当我未能活在当下。

5. I say when I am able to position myself at the center of the universe, at the Here of the present moments. 我说个不停,当我在当下此地,把自己摆在宇宙的中心点。

6. I say when I am able to push open the gate of the eternity in the Now of the present moments. 我说个不停,当我在当下此时,推开了永恒之门。

7. Are you there when I say? 当我说个不停的时候,你在吗?

