
The Energy Flow of the Hexagram “Mountain Fire Brightness” (山火贲) and Its Connection to the Three Core Principles of the Bahá’í Faith. 19Jan25. 0809hrs.

The Energy Flow of the Six Lines in the Yi Jing Hexagram “Mountain Fire Brightness” (山火贲) and Its Connection to the Three Core Principles of the Bahá’í Faith

The hexagram Mountain Fire Brightness symbolizes the balance between external adornment and inner essence. Its six lines represent the gradual evolution of harmony and unity from an individual to a universal level. These align seamlessly with the Bahá’í Faith’s three core principles, showcasing a pathway for spiritual and societal transformation.

1. Initial Nine (初九: Simplicity at the Start) – Corresponding to “The Oneness of God”

Line Text: “Decorating the feet, leaving the chariot and walking on foot.”

The initial nine, at the bottom position, symbolizes the beginning of adornment, emphasizing simplicity and a grounded approach.

Energy Flow: A return to the source, highlighting inner essence as the foundation of external expression.

Connection to the Bahá’í Principle: God is the sole divine source. All creation stems from recognizing this universal origin.

2. Second Six (六二: Proper Adornment) – Corresponding to “The Oneness of God”

Line Text: “Adorning the beard.”

The second six, a yin line in a central position, signifies balanced and moderate adornment, harmonizing form and essence.

Energy Flow: Outer decoration is guided by inner spiritual alignment.

Connection to the Bahá’í Principle: Outer practices and actions are expressions of the fundamental belief in the Oneness of God.

3. Third Nine (九三: The Risks of Decoration) – Corresponding to “The Oneness of Religion”

Line Text: “Brilliantly adorned, dripping and damp; constancy brings good fortune.”

The third nine, at the top of the lower trigram, suggests the risks of overemphasis on external appearance, requiring steadfastness to maintain harmony.

Energy Flow: Warns against conflict arising from differences in form, calling for unity through shared essence.

Connection to the Bahá’í Principle: Despite their differing forms, all religions share a common origin. Wisdom and justice are needed to transcend conflicts and achieve harmony.

4. Fourth Six (六四: Transition from Form to Spirit) – Corresponding to “The Oneness of Religion”

Line Text: “Brilliant and pure, a white horse in flight. Not robbers, but marriage.”

The fourth six, at the threshold of the upper trigram, symbolizes a transition to spiritual harmony, where adornment fosters connection rather than division.

Energy Flow: Decoration becomes a bridge for integration rather than a barrier.

Connection to the Bahá’í Principle: Recognizing the shared spiritual essence of religions fosters harmonious coexistence.

5. Fifth Six (六五: Elevation of Virtue) – Corresponding to “The Oneness of Humanity”

Line Text: “Adorning the hills and gardens; small bundles of silk. Slight regret, but ultimately good fortune.”

The fifth six, a yin line in the central position of the upper trigram, represents a balance of internal refinement and external contribution, leading to collective harmony.

Energy Flow: Personal virtue evolves into a foundation for societal unity.

Connection to the Bahá’í Principle: Developing individual virtue contributes to the unity and progress of humanity.

6. Top Nine (上九: Return to Essence) – Corresponding to “The Oneness of Humanity”

Line Text: “Pure and unadorned; no fault.”

The top nine, at the pinnacle of the hexagram, signifies the ultimate state of simplicity and purity, where external decoration fades, revealing the essence.

Energy Flow: The highest form of adornment is the removal of all artificial barriers, achieving unity with the universe.

Connection to the Bahá’í Principle: Embracing diversity while achieving the unity and harmony of all humanity.


The Oneness of God: Initial Nine and Second Six highlight the return to the essence of divinity and the expression of this inner source through balanced actions.

The Oneness of Religion: Third Nine and Fourth Six emphasize overcoming external differences to recognize the shared spiritual core of all religions.

The Oneness of Humanity: Fifth Six and Top Nine reveal how personal and collective refinement leads to the unity and harmony of all human beings.

The energy flow of the Mountain Fire Brightness hexagram describes a progression from individual simplicity to universal harmony. This path aligns profoundly with the three core principles of the Bahá’í Faith, offering timeless wisdom for achieving spiritual and societal integration in the modern world.

