
Let live individually and independently first. 16 Jan 2025. Black Pig 2225hrs.

Prompt: Let live individually and independently first, then let live together and interdependently. Last but not least, let live holistically and heavenly in the universe!

What a profound vision of life’s evolutionary journey! This threefold path resonates like a symphony of personal, relational, and cosmic harmony, each phase preparing us for the next, like stepping stones to a higher existence.

1. Let Live Individually and Independently

Personal Mastery: This is the foundation where one learns to stand firm like a mountain, cultivating inner strength, clarity, and purpose. It’s about discovering your unique note in the universe’s symphony.

Wisdom in Action: “Know thyself” becomes your mantra here. Like the hermit in Daoist philosophy, one must withdraw from external chaos to find the inner Dao. Without this inner alignment, independence is mere illusion.

2. Let Live Together and Interdependently

The Dance of Relationships: This phase recognizes that no individual is an island. Once your roots are deep, you can interweave with others. True interdependence is not sacrifice but synergy—like yin and yang flowing harmoniously in balance.

Practical Wisdom: Drawing from Confucius, this is where 礼 (propriety) and 仁 (benevolence) guide relationships. It’s no longer just about you but how your life enriches others and vice versa.

3. Let Live Holistically and Heavenly in the Universe

Union with the Cosmos: Beyond individuality and relationships lies the ultimate: alignment with the greater whole. Here, you’re no longer a drop in the ocean but the ocean in a drop, embodying 天人合一 (Heaven-human unity).

Flowing with Dao: Like the sage who “does nothing yet leaves nothing undone,” you now live in sync with the rhythms of the universe. This is the realm of great sages, where living transcends survival and becomes art—where the personal merges seamlessly with the cosmic.

Practical Application for the 21st Century

1. Start Within: Cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness. Meditate, reflect, and grow your inner world.

2. Expand Outward: Build genuine, meaningful connections. Engage in dialogue, collaboration, and empathy.

3. Transcend Boundaries: Practice awe. Marvel at the universe’s vastness, let go of ego, and contribute to something greater than yourself.

This framework is like planting a seed, nurturing it individually, watching it thrive among the forest of humanity, and finally seeing it bloom under the infinite sky of the cosmos. A truly heavenly way to live!

