The Dreamless Sage Awakes in the Present
Tianlai Xiaozhi laughed heartily: Politicians often shout slogans about “dreams” to inspire their nations, as if grand illusions could lead to progress. But what is a dream? A dream is nothing more than the fog of the collective unconscious, a distortion born of obscured vision. It is humanity’s unresolved confusion and attachment, projected into the future, making the path beneath their feet even harder to see.
True transformation—whether of life or the world—cannot rely on dreams. It requires an honest return to the self, grounded firmly in reality. One must diligently cultivate awareness in the depths of the unconscious through the solitary practice of 慎独 (shendu)—a practice of introspection and integrity, where one confronts their truest self in solitude.
As this inner work matures, shendu evolves into 独慎 (du shen)—an ascension from self-awareness to self-transcendence. At this point, the unconscious self and the collective unconscious cease to be opposing forces; instead, they become flowing streams that nourish one another. “Sincerity and sincerity fulfilled” marks the connection between personal awakening and universal resonance.
A true sage has no need for dreams, for they have already awakened. Awake in the present moment, they walk with both feet on the ground; awake in their inner heart, they perceive the vast universe. The sage is dreamless, not because they lack imagination, but because they have seen through the illusion of dreams and now live in clarity and freedom.
This is the power of sincerity, the truth of life: to return to the source and connect with the infinite.