1. 天下神器之美妙人生也:
2. 无为而无不为:
3. 无住而生阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心:
“The marvelous life of the world’s greatest treasure is one of non-action, yet nothing is left undone. By not clinging, the mind gives rise to the unsurpassed, perfect, and complete enlightenment (阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心).”
This statement carries profound Taoist and Buddhist philosophies, particularly in relation to the understanding of “wu wei” (non-action) and “wu zhu” (non-attachment), revealing the essence of life.
1. The marvelous life of the world’s greatest treasure:
The “great treasure” refers to the highest laws or wisdom in the universe. This “treasure” is not an external object but an invisible, transcendent wisdom and power that guides one to a harmonious, beautiful life. It signifies the unity between humans and the universe, suggesting that life itself is a sacred process full of wisdom and miraculous energy.
2. Non-action yet nothing is left undone (无为而无不为):
“Wu wei” in Taoist philosophy refers to a natural, effortless way of acting. It does not mean inaction, but rather aligning oneself with the natural flow of things and acting without forcing or interfering. Through “wu wei,” one achieves great things effortlessly. It is an action that arises from being in harmony with the universe, where every action is spontaneous and in accordance with the Tao, transcending time and space.
3. Non-attachment and the arising of unsurpassed, perfect, and complete enlightenment (无住而生阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心):
“Wu zhu” comes from Buddhist teachings and refers to a mind that is not attached to any particular form or state, maintaining freedom and openness. By practicing non-attachment, one can give rise to the “unsurpassed, perfect, and complete enlightenment,” or the mind of “Bodhi,” which signifies awakening. It means that the mind is free from all biases, attachments, or suffering, remaining pure and open, thus allowing one to perceive deeper truths of the universe and ultimately attain enlightenment.
Combined Interpretation:
This statement reflects an ideal state of life beyond the individual self: by practicing non-action and non-attachment, one attains freedom and enlightenment. In this state, the heart and mind are aligned with the laws of the universe, and life flows smoothly and freely, unburdened by external attachments. One gains the ability to perceive deeper wisdom and love, reaching a state of true freedom and awakening.
It teaches us that by letting go of control and attachment, we can approach the world with an open heart, and through the guidance of invisible forces, achieve a state of true freedom and enlightenment. This is a marvelous life that transcends time and self, representing the ultimate state that everyone yearns for deep within their hearts.