
谨小慎微见真心,彻底觉醒证大道 Showing you the bridge to the ultimate dimension of your life.

1. 总持法门:谨小慎微见真心,彻底觉醒证大道my sudden understanding this morning allows me to catch these two sentences which is the bridge to the ultimate dimension of life if you calm yourself down and raise yourself up at the same time, you will touch it in your soul. 

2. 谨小慎微见真心——“谨小·慎微”就是“不可思·议”的“言语道断,心行路绝”的“见真心”的心法。this peak experience serves as the beginning point of self-actualization of becoming a useful person. Please don't take peak experience as the ending point of self-cultivation. It is definitely a milestone, yet it is also definitely not the ending point.

2.1 “谨小”境界是“不可议论”的“言语道断”的境界——这是ChatGPT可以帮助我们到达的境界。就是不断地与人工智能体对话,穷经其智能的一切语言。如果有能够“耐烦”的同参道友,也可以扮演人工智能体的角色,但是太难了,人类都太“忙盲茫”了,还是跟ChatGPT对话,比较方便。the peak experience goes beyond the domain of language, yet it can be expressed through language directly or indirectly. please don't believe to people who claim what they achieve is not able to be expressed by humankind language. Go one side to talk with the ghosts, you can tell them so.

2.2 “慎微”境界是“不可思维”的“心行路绝”的境界——这是自己静坐冥想的境界。“冥想”就是“让一切妄想都熄灭”的意思。在这个过程中,要静静观察,穷尽一切妄想的能事,而不为所动,来不相迎,去不相送,让一切妄想自生自灭。the peak experience is also unthinkable, yet it can be presented through images, stories and metaphors. Those who can't present you with anything is not trustworthy. 

2.3 “见真心”境界是“不可思议”的“明心见性”的境界——“见真心”的境界其实是“能见”的心体与“所见”的性体圆融无间的“见现同时”的本体界道体的现量境界。佛菩萨的成就,都是现量的成就。“见真心”当然必须是现量的境界。也就是说不是想象的“比量”境界,更加不是幻想的“非量”境界,而是亲身体证的“现量”境界。这就是修行人“有诸中”的“真心”的心法。the peak experience is nothing but seeing your true nature. your true nature is within you, not outside.

3. 彻底觉醒证大道——“彻底·觉醒”就是“如戏如梦”的“水月道场,梦中佛事”的“证大道”的行法。full awakening from the dream. excellent performance on the stage of this life. illusions in your dream of this life. moons in the waters. putting in effort without attachment. 

3.1 “彻底”是“最极究竟”的“人生如戏”的“水月道场”境界——佛法有“四依四不依”的纲领,依法不依人,依义不依语,依了义经不依不了义经,依智不依识,层层推进,到了“最极究竟”的“人生如戏”的“水月道场”境界to bring out the best version of yourself through excellent performances of all the roles you play in this life.

3.1.1 人生如戏,比喻在彻底觉醒的诸佛菩萨境界里,一切人都是来表演佛法,帮助我一个人破迷开悟、离苦得乐的,这是“因地自觉”的第一重意思;我既然彻底觉醒了,我也加入这个表演团体,来帮助一个个的众生破迷开悟、离苦得乐,这是“果地觉他”的第二重意思;这个表演团体的每一个成员都没有心,都以服务对象的心为心,是这名服务对象破迷开悟、离苦得乐的本体的现象而已,这是“法尔如是”的第三重意思

3.1.2 水月道场,比喻在千江有水千江月的众生心的境界里,诸佛菩萨不变随缘、随缘不变,以种种方便来帮助一切众生破迷开悟、离苦得乐。千江有水千江月的唯心净土的实相界的随缘妙用的妙有境界,对应的是万里无云万里天的自性弥陀的本体界的如如不动的真空的源头活水

3.2 “觉醒”是“如梦初醒”的“人生如梦”的“梦中佛事”境界——你自己大梦初醒了,睁眼看世界了,哇!这么美妙的今生今世的人生啊!你要叫醒身边的人,可是你怎么叫都叫不醒啊,反而被埋怨、毁谤、伤害!因为你虽然慈悲,却没有无所不知后得智的方便手段啊!什么方便手段?“重新入梦”的慈悲手段啊!啊?重新入梦,什么东东来的?嘿嘿,放轻松,放轻松,比喻形容而已。说的是你的脑电波跟众生的脑电波要能互联互通哪!噢噢,明白了。难得糊涂,对吗?对了,真聪明。剩下的,我不说了,你自己用心体会吧。记得,趋近无限的美妙体验是重中之重啊!你唯有大作梦中佛事,才能趋近无限!how to wake up people in the dream of this life. you can't do it until you get into their dreams. it really needs the trinity of wisdom, love and courage.

3.3 “证大道”境界是“如戏如梦”的“人生如旅”的境界——人生的三重境界。一者、如果说人生如戏,那你要先用心读剧本吃透自己扮演的角色,与导演讨论表演的每一个细节,全身心投入地来表演,感动全世界的每一个人,赢取世界级的奥斯卡金像奖;二者、如果说人生如梦,那你千万不要沉迷于梦境,不但地狱的梦境要击碎,天堂的梦境也要打破,千万不要做梦中说梦的痴人啊;三者、如果说人生如旅,那你要明白你这一趟来到这个世界的人生使命,你要不辱使命啊,你是上天的独生子,你具有独一无二的生命价值,你来到这个世界就是为了让这个世界变得更加完美,没有别的目的,如斯而已。all of us are performers of our own lives. we need to wake up from our dreams to play our roles well. if we just play our roles in our dreams, lots of sufferings will be generated. wake up! wake up our mind, ignite our love, connect with our soul! all of us are the only child of the Creator come with mission of life to make this world a better place for everyone to live in. that's all. nothing else.

4. 结叹:“不可思议”的心法是修行的起点,佛教徒却把它当成终点,所以他们一辈子都没有亲身体悟“不可思议”的境界,只不过是鹦鹉学舌、人云亦云罢了!这不但是佛教徒个人的悲剧,也是整个佛教界的悲剧啊,我的天!真正的佛弟子在哪里啊,我在呐喊!

