
菡萏花苞2:含苞待放,时节因缘 New!!! Peak Experience of flourishing

0. 菡萏花苞2:含苞待放,时节因缘。这篇短文的写作动机是分享真实不虚的顶峰体验

1. 菡萏:是莲花的花苞,比喻如来藏的佛性。Buddha-Nature should not be remained as your great potential only. Instead, you should activate it to live a wonderful life, friends!

2. 含苞待放:比喻每个人都是未来佛。心花怒放就是现在佛,含苞待放就是未来佛。Care with love. 仁者不忧。Connect with wisdom. 智者不惑。Contribute with courage. 勇者不惧。These are 3 elements of a peak experience. Confucius named them as the 3 top qualities of a scholar. 人生三达德。

3. 时节因缘:比喻每个人开悟的时间点和条件不一样。然而,外在的时节因缘,你就是等了无量劫,它也还是不会到来;内在的时节因缘,你不用等,言下大悟,比光速还快!问题在:你肯不肯回头,只要一回头,激活佛性的真实生命能量,你的心体气机自然发动,你身体的阴阳五行自然川流不息,你就开悟了啊!谁知万丈红尘里,菡萏花开月正明,说的就是你真实不虚的开悟体验啊!Actually, the peak experience comes so naturally that just like a flower comes to the highest time of its life to flourish. Yet, the flower in the nature can flourish only once and we, as humankind, can have many peak experiences if you really want it. For me, I shall conclude that once or twice is more than enough for us to figure out what a wonderful life looks like, sounds like, feels like and really like. 

