1. 修行不是出家人的事,是每个人(打破出家人与在家人的隔阂)的事。Who?Me! If not me, who else? I am the only child of this universe.
2. 修行不是出世间的事,是世·出世间(打破世间与出世间的隔阂)的事。 Where?Here. Enjoy the vastness of space in the Here. Status of Here. Here is the center of the universe.
3. 修行不是有空才做的事,是有空没空(打破有空与没空的隔阂)都要做的事。 When? Now. Enjoy the peace and happiness int the Now. Power of Now. Now is the gate to eternity.
4. 修行不是为了死后有一个好去处,是为了活着(打破死与生的隔阂)有一个安身立命之地。 Why?To live this life to the fullest. One life is enough if we know how to live it.
5. 修行不是精神鸦片,是救命仙丹(打破鸦片与仙丹的隔阂)。 What?Anything. Everything. Something. Nothing.
6. 修行不是什么法门都学习,是选择适合自己的法门(打破佛陀与众生的隔阂)。 How?Position yourself as the only child of the universe.