

0. 刘宗周诚意之敎研究 = THE STUDY OF LIU ZONGZHOU'S PHILOSOPHY OF WILL 【天来小子曰:无心插柳,竟然在网络上看见了自己在1999年写的硕士论文的大纲,难得。】

1. This thesis discusses Liu Zongzhou’s philosophy of Will from three aspects: “Root of Will”(意 根 ), “Entity of Loneliness”( 独 体)and “Entity of Sincerity”( 诚 体)The relationships between these three parts are expressed in two statements, i.e. “Perfecting one’s Body is the basis”( 修 身 为 本 )and “Keeping one’s Will in the state of Sincerity is the fundamental basis”( 诚 意 为 本 之 本 ). 【天来小子曰:独体的翻译,当年英语词汇不够,翻译为entity of loneliness,不够准确,应该是entity of solitude,比较规范。】

2. For an ordinary man, there is a gap between “one’s Body” and “one’s Will” and he needs the “Entity of Loneliness” to act as a bridge. With the presence of the “Entity of Loneliness”, the close relationship between “one’s Body” and “one’s Will” can be expressed by these two statements :- 1. “one’ s Will” is actually “one’s formless Body” ( 意 为 无 形 之 身 )and it is actually the “Entity of Loneliness” itself; 2. “one’s Body” is actually “one’s formed Will” ( 身 为 有 型 之 意 )and it is called “Entity of Sincerity”. 【天来小子曰:意为无形之身,身为有形之意。用同一个“形”比较好,不知道当年怎么参杂了一个“型”字。】

3. However, this relationship can be easily destroyed by the “Root of Insincerity” ( 妄 根)if one does not keep one’s Will in the state of sincerity by “the careful and earnest self reflection in moments of loneliness”.( 慎 独). 【天来小子曰:同上。moments of loneliness不够准确,应该是moments of solitude。】

4. The emphasis of Liu Zongzhou’s philosophy of will is on the following three closely related aspects. Firstly, it is for every ordinary man (not only for the scholars). Secondly, it describes more on the natural state of life (not on the ideal state of life). Thirdly, it provides practical guidance on how to search for the “True Self” in one’s soul as well as how to practice one’s knowledge correctly. 【天来小子曰:说得啰里啰唆,又不清楚。重点是说“极高明而道中庸”的生命学问,不管是读书人还是文盲,都是适用的。然而,这种“极高明而道中庸”的生命学问,是必须通过格物、致知来获得的。这样说,条理比较分明。】

5. To understand Liu Zongzhou’s philosophy of will, one should come to a thorough understanding of the meaning of “one’s Body”. One should neither despise nor indulge “one’s physical Body” ( 自 然 之 身); similarly, one should neither neglect nor pamper “one’s formless Body”( 无 形 之 身), which is the “Entity of Loneliness”. Then, one will be able to find for oneself the “one’s formed Body”( 有 型 之 意), which is the “Entity of Sincerity”. 【天来小子曰:这里的描述太重要了!一方面,自然之身难免饮食、男女的大欲,不得陷溺其中;一方面,独体之体验充满宁静、喜悦的能量,极易让人迷恋。唯有自然之身持戒,而独体之心发愿,则诚体之身方能现前。】

6.  If one can really know the meaning of “one’s Body”, then he should be able to find the bridge which closes up the gap between Idealism and Materialism in Western Philosophy, as well as the gap between Wang Yangming’s teaching and Zhu Xi’s teaching in Chinese Philosophy. 【天来小子曰:这篇论文的最大发现在这里!刘宗周的诚意之教,不但是西方哲学世界里的唯心论与唯物论的桥梁,而且是宋明理学世界里的陆王心学与程朱理学的桥梁。

