
瑜伽行者1:瑜伽八支,修行路线 New!!! How to practice Yoga correctly to link with your true-self.

0. 瑜伽行者1:瑜伽八支,修行路线。小子有幸在2008年近距离地跟许哲老人(1898--2011)沟通交流,许哲老人亲口告诉小子,“瑜伽”的意思是to join(连接)。许哲老人65岁才练瑜伽,通过瑜伽她跟真实生命连接起来!可惜,太多念佛人不知道“瑜伽”的“连接”的真实意义,就是“与佛相应”的意思。念佛,而没有与佛相应,那不是在装模做样而已吗?在骗谁呢,骗得过自己,骗得过佛菩萨吗?|| 小子在此分享瑜伽八支,希望对有心修道的人有帮助。||Yes, we can connect with our true-self if we practice Yoga correctly and completely. There are 8 limbs of Yoga yet people use to only practice the Limb 3 Asana only. What a waste!!!

1. 瑜伽第一支:慎独的内戒:诸恶莫作。1st Limb: Yama to purify yourself by doing no evil, mentally and physically。知止(内止)的数息门(粗)修炼。乾卦的景门【止恶的大门;人生风景】。

2. 瑜伽第二支:诚意的外戒:众善奉行。2nd Limb: Niyama to benefit others by doing all good, mentally and physically. 知止(外止)的数息门(细)修炼。坎卦的死门【开善的大门;死去活来】。

3. 瑜伽第三支:体位的身定:善恶载体。3rd Limb: Asana to adjust body postures to activate life energy. 身定(外定)的随息门(粗)修炼。艮卦的惊门【身体的大门;惊人宝藏】

4. 瑜伽第四支:调息的气定:情绪外缘。4th Limb: Pranayama to refine breathing so as to breath with the 4 qualities of Deep, Long, Even, Soft. 气定(内定)的随息门(细)修炼。震卦的开门【炁体的大门;芝麻开门】

5. 瑜伽第五支:制感的静心:自净其意(粗)。5th Limb: Pratyahara to free ourselves from the emotional garbage and calm down to the bottom of our hearts. 静心(息怒)的止禅修炼。巽卦的休门【情感的大门;海底世界】

6. 瑜伽第六支:专注的入定:自净其意(细)。6th Limb: Dharana to achieve the sense of peace and oneness deeply. 安心的观禅修炼。离卦的生门【智慧的大门;高空境界】

7. 瑜伽第七支:冥想的深虑:是诸佛教(粗)。7th Limb: Dhyana to meditate with Sunyata wisdom. 慧剑的断惑修炼。坤卦的伤门【杀贼的大门;还灭境界】

8. 瑜伽第八支:三摩地的成就:是诸佛教(细)。8th Limb: Samadhi to enjoy the wonderful life in the present moment. 无得的清净受用。兑卦的杜门【清净的大门;无漏境界】

