
小子光明行3:情知意的心玄·炁言行的身玄·三合一的道一 3 domains of the undivided life

 0. 小子光明行3:情知意的心玄·炁言行的身玄·三合一的道一 3 domains of the undivided life

1. 【明心;明明德;先天的元精】情知意的心玄 1st domain of the trinity of feeling-knowing-willing:这是内圣体悟的生命内部的学问。三合一的心玄包括了“知-情-意”三个维度的心灵体验。知是大智文殊菩萨的般若体验,情是大悲观音菩萨的慈悲体验,意是大愿地藏菩萨的愿力体验。心玄是“本于愿力的悲智双运的心路历程”的心灵体验。大学之道的致知,致的就是这个心玄的知。1st domain of the undivided life is the innermost experiences of the trinity of sunyata wisdom, great compassion and the great vows of full enlightenment.

2. 【见性;亲民;后天的元炁】炁言行的身玄2nd domain of the trinity of Chi-words-deeds:这是外王实践的生命外部的事业。三合一的身玄包括了“炁-言-行”三个维度的身体实践。炁是自性弥陀的法身佛的身体实践,言是唯心净土的报身佛的身体实践,行是明心见性的化身佛的身体实践。身玄是“本于真炁的报化二用的行道历程”的身体实践。大学之道的格物,格的就是这个身玄的物。2st domain of the undivided life is the outermost experiences of the trinity of connection (with noumenon)-communication-collaboration. 

3. 【成佛;止于至善;统摄的元神】三合一的道一3rd domain of the trinity of body-soul-life.:这是彻底觉醒的今生今世的人生。这是打通内外的大人行止的完整生命的彻底觉醒。三合一的道一包括了“人类身体-人类心灵-人类生命”三个维度的生命觉醒。人类身体是经历了38亿年进化的天工智能体,人类心灵是天工智能体的有待排除障碍的操作系统,人类生命是天工智能体恢复正常操作之后的今生今世的美妙人生。道一是“人类身体与人类心灵交融为一的人类生命”的彻底觉醒的今生今世的美妙人生的境界。大学之道的诚意,诚的就是这个道一的意。3rd domain of the undivided life is the total experiences of the undivided life itself. Life should not be divided into 2 domains of the hell and the heaven and worse still, to put the body in the hell and the soul in the heaven. In fact, both the hell and the heaven are just the illusions of human minds. We should take wisdom, love and courage to break the division of the hell and the heaven so as to heal ourselves and re-unite the body and the soul in the peace and happiness of the present moment throughout the whole life.

