
小子光明行1:八支修炼,八门通达 Reboot your life here and now, my dear!

0. 小子光明行1:八支修炼,八门通达。【幽默一下:听到你"八只耳朵"就对了。"八只耳朵"比喻不是用大脑听,而是用全身每个细胞来听,一个细胞表达一个耳朵,八只耳朵是归纳的说法。】8 Limbs of self-cultivation, 8 Doors to self-actualization. [humor: you have to listen with "8 ears". where do I get my 8 ears? you asked. kidding. just listen with your heart of love. your heart has more than 8 ears, my dear!]

1. 第一支,第一门:知止的内戒贪嗔痴,乾卦老爸的今生今世的美妙风景的景门,戒香的出离三恶道(阳四宫的内圣自受用范畴)1st limb of stopping all evil thoughts within. 1st door of exit from all evils.

2. 第二支,第二门:知止的外戒杀盗淫,坎卦二哥的六道轮回的流浪生死的死门,戒香的出离三善道(阳四宫的内圣自受用范畴)2nd limb of stopping all evils behaviors without. 2nd door of exit from the reincarnation. 

3. 第三支,第三门:有定的调身头胸腹,艮卦小弟的稳如泰山的内观自性的惊门,戒香的出离二乘境(阳四宫的内圣自受用范畴)3rd limb of physical adjustment of body postures. 3rd door of exit from physical domain.

4. 第四支,第四门:有定的调息深匀细,震卦大哥的惊天动地的激活自性的开门,戒香的出离一真境(阳四宫的内圣自受用范畴)4th limb of physical adjustment of body breathing. 4th door of exit from physiological domain.

5. 第五支,第五门:能静的调心多少一,巽卦大姐的无微不至的唯心净土的休门,定香的安稳不动如大地的趋近开悟(阴四宫的外王他受用范畴)5th limb of emotional-mental fine-tuning of heart-mind activities. 5th door of entrance into clam-ness.

6. 第六支,第六门:能安的无住真空境,离卦二姐的光明遍照的势至菩萨的生门,慧香的顶峰体验的开悟境界(阴四宫的外王他受用范畴)6th limb of sunyata experience of peak experience with the topless mind. 6th door of entrance into the Kingdom of Wisdom.

7. 第七支,第七门:能虑的生心妙有境,坤卦老妈的厚德载物的观音菩萨的伤门,解脱香的彻底疗愈的人类心灵体验(阴四宫的外王他受用范畴)7th limb of unconditional love with bottomless heart. 7th door of entrance into the Pure Land of Love and Compassion.

8. 第八支,第八门:能得的彻底觉醒境,兑卦小妹的朋友讲习的阿弥陀佛的杜门,解脱知见香的彻底觉醒的人生教育(阴四宫的外王他受用范畴)8th limb of great courage with boundless soul. 8th door of entrance into the Wonderful Life of the present moment

