
PERMA: 念佛成佛,表演佛法

0. PERMA: 念佛成佛,表演佛法

1. P:Positive Emotion, there’s nothing but one thought of the Pure Land. Full of joy and living in the peace and happiness of the present moments! 熄灭诸恶念,永不堕三恶道!是为入圣者流的正能量。诸恶莫作,做到了啊!

2. E:Engagement, time stops for us once we engage with the one and only one thought of the Pure Land. 时间为你停止,众善奉行,做到了啊!

3. R:Relationships, everything is linked! 十万亿佛土与西方净土是一个完整的佛国净土!自净其意,做到了啊!

4. M:Meaning, OIC! 我看见了!我看见自性弥陀了!是诸佛教,都明白了啊!

5. A:Accomplishments 。一切悉皆成就。表演佛法。诸佛皈依众生的唯心净土的精彩表演!是诸佛教,做到了啊!

