

 9 Common Automatic Negative Thoughts Patterns To Watch Out For 九种常见的内心蚂蚁不断地在咬噬我们的皮肤!

...as identified by Dr. Amen as well as Dr. Beck.

1. All-or-nothing ANTs 一者、要么什么都要,要么什么都不要:极端摇摆的内心蚂蚁【解决方法:要懂得“大处着眼,小处着手”的道理,从无到有,从小到大,需要一个过程来实现。一步一个脚印。千里之行,始于足下。】

It’s when you assume that something is completely good or bad. This negative thought leads young people to believe that anything less than perfect is unacceptable. Notice words like always, never, no one, everyone, should, and shouldn’t. => all of us are actually perfectly imperfect. 虽然外在看起来不完美,每个人的内在都是完美的。 

2. Focusing on the negative ANTs 二者、专注于看负面:黑暗角落的内心蚂蚁【解决方法:换个角度来看事物,让阳光照进内心,带来光明,赶走黑暗】

This ANT puts your focus on the things that happened wrong instead of the positives. Focusing on the negative can make a child or teenager susceptible to anxiety and depression. => It's not a half-empty, but half-full, cup of water. 这不是一个半空,而是半满的水杯。

3. Fortune-telling ANTs 三者、悲观预言:唱衰自己的内心蚂蚁【解决方法:通过健康的自我对话,用乐观取代悲观,唱一首新歌

People with this negative thought have an increased tendency to predict the future, and it’s almost always a poor outcome. For example, being fully convinced that you’re going to fail in class.=> to predict with a winner‘s, not loser's, mindset. 用赢家——不用输家——的心态来预测未来。

4. Blaming ANTs 四者、都是你的错:自己永远没错的内心蚂蚁【解决方法:培养自我反省的能力,以便看到自己的缺点与不足之处

This ANT involves blaming others for things that go wrong. Even when a child does something that may have caused a negative event, they refuse to take responsibility to avoid the consequences. “He made me do it.” “They started it.” “It wasn’t my fault!” => Take control over your own life please. 请掌握自己生命的主动权!

5. Less-than ANTs 五者、不如别人:自卑的内心蚂蚁【解决方法:认真反省,找到自己的优点与长处

Your child or teen may think of themselves as not good enough or not talented enough compared to others. Younger kids usually make comparisons on a physical level while older kids notice more serious things like their skills and abilities. => I am less than no one! 我一点也不比任何人差!

6. Mind reading ANTs 六者、胡乱猜测:疑神疑鬼的内心蚂蚁【解决方法:勇敢开口与人沟通,弄明白对方的意思】

This ANT assumes that you know what others think about you. For example, you believe that the reason someone isn’t responding to you is because they dislike you. Or that someone thinks you’re being stupid by the way they look at you. => What I think or feel might be wrong. 我的猜想和感受也许是错的。

7. Labeling ANTs 七者、贴标签:自我定死罪的内心蚂蚁【解决方法:通过健康的自我对话,放自己一马

Kids and teens with this ANT pick one characteristic of a person or themselves and apply it to their whole identity. You may notice your child saying things like, “I’m dumb” or “I’m a nobody” just because they failed on their first attempt at something. => Stop self-labeling immediately. 停止给自己贴标签。

8. If-Only and I’ll-Be-Happy-When ANTs 八者、活在过去与未来:迷失当下的内心蚂蚁【解决方法:通过正念呼吸,活在当下

Dr. Amen describes this ANT as arguing with the past and longing for the future. In other words, you look back and wonder how things could have turned out. Also, you believe that you can only be happy when something you expect happens. => You live neither in the past nor in the future, but in the present. 你活在当下,不活在过去和未来。

9. Taking things personally ANTs 九者、过度敏感:容易受伤的内心蚂蚁【解决方法:培养感恩的心态,活在感恩的世界里,让爱的能力疗愈敏感症。】

Young people who are highly sensitive may take things too personally. They might easily misinterpret what others are saying — for instance, assuming that they were being criticized when the other person meant something different. => You need the skin of a rhino. 你需要一张犀牛的厚皮。I have the heart of a lion, the skin of a rhino, and the soul of an angel. 我拥有一颗狮子的心,一张犀牛的皮,以及一个天使的灵。】


