

 1. 为何狂心不歇?why your mind is occupied and keep on chattering, chattering, chattering? just like a person keep on walking, walking, walking for no reason. it matters as it is a wastage of energy.

2. 狂心不歇,源自恐惧。your mind keep chattering, chattering, chattering as it is extremely afriad of emptiness. the nature of this continuous chattering is fear-driven.

3. 不歇的狂心,没用处,没活力。when your mind is occupied, it's not only useless but also no vitality.

4.  心之所以狂与不歇,源自对“空”与“什么都不是”的深深恐惧。we are so afraid of empty and nothing.

5. 无念与念的对立与矛盾。you say, I want to stop the chattering and concentrate on this picture. But you can't do this as your mind is occupied. so you look without concentration. you look but not see. 【崃按:无念不是“与念为敌”,而是包容一切念头,静观其变,而不参与其中。随他来,让他去,不将不迎。】

6. 不要专注,只要注意。we don't need concentration which can't help us to solve the problem of mind chattering. we need only attention which is capable of solving mind chattering problem. great difference between concentration and attention is that the former is self-centered while the latter is just simply attending without any centre. 【崃按:念佛不是执着于佛,而是放下对“觉”的渴望和追求,让整颗心回归到生命的核心,而激活自性弥陀的能量。】

7. 观照无我,无边无际。there is no centre and therefore, there is no periphery in attention. and, there is no distance from the centre to an end as there is no end. where there is a complete attention, there is the space without border. 【崃按:势至、观音两大菩萨代表着我们每个人生命中空慧与慈悲的巨大能量,等待着我们来启动。】

8. 静心观照,心如明镜。give your full attention in observing and looking. 【崃按:念佛就是不将不迎,心如明镜地观察念头,久而久之,功夫成熟,狂心顿歇,唯心净土赫然现前,自性弥陀放光动地。】

