
恩is the reason for everything we see in our naked soul

 1. 恩is the reason for everything we see in the trinity of our unbroken_heart-undivided_mind-naked_soul. 【恩不用给出理由,恩是一切的理由。恩是一切理由的理由。恩是心灵的第一因。】

2. There are 4-folds of 恩 we are enjoying in our daily lives from the sigficiant others. 【上报四重恩】

3.  The first-fold of 恩 is from the spirituality teachers who enlights us who we are, where we come from, where we go to and what is the value of our lives. This fullfils our spiritual needs as humankind and enlightens us to see that we are not human being having spiritual experiences, but spiritual being having human experiences. 【三宝恩。佛陀教育的恩德。一切佛菩萨皆我老师。南无文殊菩萨代表的般若法门!】

4. The second-fold of 恩 is from our care-givers who are our parents, teachers, classmates, colleagues, friends and helpers. This fullfils our emotioanal needs as humankind and warms and heals our hearts from the disease of indifference and cruelty, and thus, enables us to experience that we are all living in one another's life and cannot be separated. 【父母恩。一切众生皆我父母。南无观世音菩萨代表的慈悲法门!】

5. The third-fold of 恩 is from our political and social leaders who build an condusive living environment for us to live in. This fullfils our environmental needs as humankind and more importantly, enables us to call a place on this planet earth home. Furthermore, this sense of home is the cornerstone for the first-fold and second-fold of 恩. Without a safe (brave) space on this planet earth, it is not possible for us to enjoy good education and good nurturing. 【三宝恩和父母恩,离不开国土恩。盖无国土,则无处安顿三宝和父母。南无普贤菩萨代表的生活艺术法门!】

6. The four-fold of 恩 is from all the people, events and things in our lives. Everything is linked. No one is to be left out. Within a flower, we are able to see the entire pure land of Amitabha. Within a leaf, we are able to see the full enlightenment of all Buddhas. There is totally no difference between the Buddhas and all beings, be it living beings or non-living beings. 【众生恩。众生众生,众缘和合而生,道法自然,法尔如是。生死流转之堕落,随因缘而生灭;真如还灭之顿超,观因缘而不生不灭。地藏菩萨代表的生命资源法门!】

