


1. 耳目:耳聪而目明。耳聪者,不徒听之以肉耳,听之以慈悲心也;目明者,不徒视之以肉眼,视之以智慧心也。[As Steven R. Covey put it, not to see with your eyes but to see with your mind and not to listen with your ears but to listen with your heart. Your mind is your third eye and your heart is your third ear.]

2. 悲智:慈悲和智慧不只是存乎内心境界的突破和体验,更加是在日常生活的一种彰显和表演,时时处处,一举手,一投足,都让人在在感受到慈悲和智慧。[Love is a verb, not only a noun or an adjective. Love has to be manifested through our words and actions. Our words and actions have to be originated from our mind-heart which is full of love and wisdom.]

