
四大:四大菩萨的精彩表演[The best performance put up by the four great Bodhisattvas]

0. 四大:菩提道上四大菩萨的精彩表演. [Four Greatness: The best performances put out by the Four Bodhisattvas.] These are the four domains of greatness in the journey of realizing Buddhahood.

1. 地藏的大人格: [The Character of a Great Person, represented by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.]This is the domain of Character Development which comprises of the following three domains. So, this is the domain for you to explore and discover so as to live your life to the fullest. You are a future-Buddha!

2. 文殊的大心胸: [The Great Mind, represented by the Manjusri Bodhisattva.] This is the domain of Growth Mindset which links to the Sunyata Wisdom (Level 1: Emptiness). This domain enable you to see the unlimited space of the home of your soul. You are born free!

3. 观音的大手笔: [The Great Heart, represented by the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.] This is the domain of Unconditional Love which links to Sunyata Wisdom (Level 2: Empathy).  This domain enable you to hear the callings and see the sufferings of all beings so that you can extend, immediately, your one thousand arms out to help them. You are full of love and compassion!

4. 普贤的大脚印: [The Great Deeds, represented by the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.] This is the domain of Great Deeds which links to Sunyata Wisdom (Level 3: Eternity). This domain enable you to grow continuously with every single step you take on the journey of realizing the Buddhahood. You are the agent of all Buddhas!

