0. 九天之上的般若【空谛之真如自性】·九渊之下的慈悲【假谛之妄想自性】·九皋之中的菩提【中谛之缘起自性】:九天【上丹田能量】、九渊【下丹田能量】与九皋【中丹田能量】接通为先天混沌一炁,是为一心三观、三谛圆融的人生境界。
1. 九天之上的般若···这是绝世美人的女性能量···Raise yourself up to the top of your mind. It's so abundant!
2. 九渊之下的慈悲···这是旷世英雄的男性能量···Calm yourself down to the bottom of your heart. It's so beautiful!
3. 九皋之中的菩提···这是永世奇才的人性能量···Free yourself up and down to breakthrough both the top of your mind and the bottom of your heart so as to return to the home of your soul. It's infinite and limitless!