

 1. 悟字摄八识四智。表法依据:悟字,左右结构,左竖心旁,右上五下口。

2. 悟字摄八识:

2.1 悟字右旁“五口”,表“五个门前做买卖”的眼耳鼻舌身五识。[Here we discuss the five senses of seeing, listening, smelling, tasting and touching. These are the five gates of the human body. Through these gates, human is able to learn and grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually.]

2.2 悟字左旁“竖心·两点一竖”,表第六意识、第七末那识、第八阿赖耶识。[the three domains of human consciousness comprises the mind to think, the heart to love and the will to actualize.] 

3. 悟字摄四智:

3.1 悟字右旁“五口”,表北方不空成就如来之成所作智。【崃按:转眼耳鼻舌身五识为成所作智,这是“五八果上圆”的生命境界】[The five senses are transformed into the Wisdom of Accomplishment.]

3.2 悟字左旁“竖心·两点一竖”,表西方阿弥陀如来之妙观察智、南方宝生如来之平等性智、东方不动如来之大圆镜智。【崃按:转第六意识为妙观察智、转第七末那识为平等性智,此二者为“六七因中转”的人生境界,而转第八阿赖耶识为大圆镜智,则属于“五八果上圆”的人生境界。】[The mind is transformed into the Wisdom of Wonderful Contemplating and Investigating. The heart is transformed into the Wisdom of Equality. The will is transformed into the Great Perfect Mirror Wisdom.]——英语翻译的小小说明:第六意识对应理性的人脑--顶天立地的大人;第七末那识对应感性的心地--内心的道德律;第八阿赖耶识对应悟性的性天--头顶的星空

