Lyrics :
Tayata Om Bekandze Bekandze
Mahabekandze Radza Samudgate Soha
Meaning :
"May the many sentient beings who are sick, be freed from sickness soon. And may all the sicknesses of beings never arise again."
“Tayata” means carried beyond Samsara and Nirvana. 【蝶亚塔:不住生死,不住涅槃】
“Om” is the Source Energy of the Universe. It encompasses everything that was, is, and will be【噢母:宇宙的原始能量,涵盖了过去、现在、未来三世】
“Bekandze bekandze” means the elimination of pain. The first 'Bekandze' eliminates problems from the mind and body. The second 'Bekandze' eliminates a deeper pain linked to spiritual suffering. 【卑坎泽 卑坎泽:拔苦,拔除身心痛苦,拔除灵魂深处的痛苦】
“Maha bekandze” means, the greatest eliminator of all pain and suffering, that is the Medicine Buddha. 【马哈·卑坎泽:大哉!拔除痛苦的大医王,南无琉璃光药师佛啊!】
“Radza Samudgate” refers to the king, or the most Divine, whose wisdom is as wide as the ocean. 【燃杂·洒亩·戛特:最极尊贵,最极深密,智慧如海啊!】
“Soha” is pure devotion, intention, or inner being. And from this, all manifestations occur.【梭哈:一切圆满成就!】