

1. 观息:一呼一吸,清清楚楚,明明白白。或守住鼻端而纯观之(存“每个呼吸皆如此美好柔和”之念,令心柔和美好),或守住鼻端而兼数之(一个呼气是1,一个吸气是2,或反之,从1数到10,再从1数起,直到心平气和为止)!Observation of the breathings. Slow, Long, Even, Soft. (慢、长、匀、细). How nice is it!

2. 观声: 谛听谛听!万物说法之音声!近处的风扇、冷气声,较远处的脚步、倒开水、说话声,更远处的鸟鸣、车辆声,皆一一加以拥抱,皆当作法身佛说法音声而无条件接纳之!内则自身呼吸声、肚子嘟噜声、挪移身体音声,亦皆加以拥抱、加以接纳。或者,亦可以观世音慈悲心听取一切音声,将一切音声当作一切苦难众生之呼救声!于无声处听惊雷,于惊雷时听无声!反闻闻自性而已矣!Listening the sounds of everything! All the noises and sounds are nothing but the vibration of energies from our Buddhha's nature. alternatively, we can, should and must embrac and embody all the noises and sounds with the boundless mind of compassion. These are the crying of all beings who/which are in pains and sufferings!

3.观身:回来回来!回来身体这个“老家”看看,来“谛听身体的倾诉”!哪里痒痒,哪里痛痛,哪里酸麻,哪里烫烫,哪里冰凉,通通清清楚楚,通通加以拥抱,用犹如拥抱一个婴儿一样的柔和的心和动作来对待自己的这个身体。这个身体不是、绝对不是“臭皮囊”,而是“宇宙的礼物”,里面蕴藏着“宇宙的奥秘”,等待着我们来探索和发现!Hey monkey-mind, come back, come back and listen to the body who has a very interesting story to share. Body is the gift of the universe. We need to learn how to open up this gift and discover the secrets of the universe! 

4. 观念:啊,你这只猴子,怎么一刻也不停地跳跃呢?啊?你的眼睛看不到,你害怕,所以你不停地跳跃?不,不!你停下来,对,慢慢地停下来,然后你要勇敢,勇敢地“睁开恐惧的眼睛”,你就看见了!你闭着眼睛苦苦寻找的“自性”,就马上出现在你的眼前了!见现同时!是的,你已经证得三摩地!Monkey, hey monkey! Slow down, slow down. Don't be afraid. Be brave. Open up your eyes and clear your fear! Immediately you can see what you have been searching highs and lows for. Yes! Your vision is so clear now and you can see that everything is linked and the unbelievable wonder is that: your connectivity is so powerful now that you can connect to and embody everything! Samathi, is what you have achieved!

