

 1. S: Stop! Pause! Pull yourself back from the external world! Come back to your body. Stretch your body and make yourself comfortable and relaxed first. 行有不得,反求诸己!启动“悲无量心”的能量,把自己从外在的世界拉回来调身。调身:检查身体,邀请自己放松,放松!你只有这个身体,你若气死是白白气死,是冤死鬼,是自己害死自己,跟别人无关!

2. T: Taking a few deep breaths after adjusting your body to a more comfortable and relaxed state. 调息:一个呼吸就把那颗愤怒的心拉回身体来休息!可以守住鼻端而纯粹观息,也可以守住鼻端而兼数息。

3. O: Observe your thoughts and feelings. Seeing and listening yourself clearly here and now! You watch the quick change of your thoughts just as clouds in the sky. You listen to the crying of your emotion and hold them just as a baby. 调心: 静静看着自己变化不定的念头,犹如看着天空里的云;静静聆听着自己心灵的哭泣,而于心不忍,马上就如同轻抱着初生婴儿一般地抱着自己受伤的心,轻柔地抚慰它说:没事!没事!咱不哭!

4. P: Proceed with what you need to say and do by making proactive responses! 既然已经心平气和,就自内而外,推己及人,回归外在世界去!用清明冷静的心,看到问题的症结所在,说应当说的话,做应当做的事,来解决问题!

