


1. “假佛教徒”转化为“真佛弟子”的金钥匙:真五行,即:木中真木的仁德,火中真火的礼德,土中真土的信德,金中真金的义德,水中真水的智德。

2. 依照“真五行”则,“臭皮囊的轮回身”可凭借“身中真身”的宇宙能量转化为“五分法身香的妙有身”,

3. “虚妄的轮回心”可凭借“心中真心”的宇宙能量转化为“般若空慧的真空心”,

4. “初学佛的假佛教徒”可凭借“己中真己”(内圣面的物格知致意诚心正)与“人中真人”(身修家齐国治天下平)的宇宙能量转化为“老修的真佛弟子”。

5. 转化的枢纽:百分之百活在当下的此时(南朱雀的月窟时的无始无终)此地(北玄武的天根处的无边无际)的此人(中麒麟的时空点的波粒二象性)。

6. 请从儒释道三教合一的视角来提供中英对照的全方位的解读版。


**A Comprehensive Interpretation: The Key to Transforming "False Buddhists" into "True Disciples of Buddha" from the Perspective of the Unity of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism**  


### **中文解读**  


1. **木中真木的仁德**:  

   木代表生发、仁慈的力量。通过木的真性,修行者能够修养内心的慈悲与生机,将自私转化为包容,将僵化的善行转化为自然而然的仁德。  【子曰:仁远乎哉?我欲仁,斯仁至矣!天来小子曰:关键在于发真心,do you really mean it?】

2. **火中真火的礼德**:  

   火象征光明与礼节。通过火的真性,修行者能以真诚之心点亮自己的生命之火,用礼仪调和内外,驱散骄躁的虚火,点燃谦和的礼德之光。  【宋明理学家曰:礼者,理也!哇,这个话可说满了,人间秩序的礼教竟然源自宇宙秩序的天理!天人感应啊,我的天!天来小子曰:关键在于敢于打破过时落伍的礼俗与观念,do you dare to do it? 】

3. **土中真土的信德**:  

   土承载万物,代表信任与稳定。通过土的真性,修行者能培养对自我与他人的信任,以脚踏实地的态度落实修行,让信德扎根于实践之中。  【净土法门三资粮的第一个:信资粮是定海神针啊!天来小子曰:关键在于放下疑神疑鬼的妄心,do you bear to let go? 】

4. **金中真金的义德**:  

   金代表刚正与义理。通过金的真性,修行者在物欲与困境中保持正气,修炼一种坚定不移的正义感,将伪善炼化为纯粹的义德。  刘蕺山(刘宗周1578-1645)曰:尽义而生,尽义而死,眼前心中,只有一义,没有生死!天来小子曰:关键在于百分之百活在义德的世界里,do you really want it? 】

5. **水中真水的智德**:  

   水象征智慧与流动。通过水的真性,修行者能够随缘而行,知止而后有定,智慧之水能够冲刷妄念,孕育般若智慧的德性。  【子曰:仁者乐山,智者乐水;仁者静,智者动!天来小子曰:关键在于发愤好学,do you willingly engage yourself in life-long learning? 】

### **转化过程**  


1. **臭皮囊的轮回身转化为“五分法身香的妙有身”**:  

   通过五行真德的培育,凡夫俗子的身体不再只是轮回之苦的承载体,而是转化为具备宇宙能量的“法身”,散发法香。  【天来小子曰:同样的一个人体。假佛教徒以轮回心,执着于“臭皮囊”而排斥之、厌弃之,把婴儿连同洗澡水一起给泼掉了!真佛弟子捡起了掉入粪坑的夜明珠,加以洗干净,并将之置于通风处以驱逐臭气,最终得以让佛性的夜明珠大放异彩,照亮人世间!】

2. **虚妄的轮回心转化为“般若空慧的真空心”**:  


3. **初学佛的假佛教徒转化为老修的真佛弟子**:  


### **转化的枢纽**  


1. **此时**:南方朱雀象征“此心时间(慧命)的永恒性”,修行者要体悟“无始无终”的时刻本质,这一刹那即为无限的过去与未来。  

2. **此地**:北方玄武象征“此身空间(法身)的无限性”,修行者要感知“无边无际”的空间本质,此地即为宇宙的中心。  

3. **此人**:中央麒麟象征“此人时空点(波粒二象性)的不可测量性”修行者深切体验到身心合一的“波粒二象性”的每一个时空节点,自己既是独立生命个体,又是与全体宇宙息息相关的全方位的全息的完整生命体。 


### **English Interpretation**  

The transformation from "false Buddhists" to "true disciples of Buddha" hinges on the realization of the **True Five Elements**:  

1. **The True Virtue of Benevolence in Wood**:  

   Wood represents the force of growth and compassion. By embracing the true essence of wood, practitioners can cultivate an inner sense of kindness and vitality, transforming selfishness into inclusiveness and rigid acts of goodness into effortless benevolence.  

   *[Confucius said: "Is benevolence far away? If I desire it, benevolence is right here!" The Little Heavenly Child says: The key lies in awakening the true heart. Question here is: do you really desire it?] *  

2. **The True Virtue of Propriety in Fire**:  

   Fire symbolizes illumination and ritual. By realizing the true nature of fire, practitioners can ignite the fire of life with sincerity, harmonizing their inner and outer worlds. This dispels restless, illusory heat and kindles the light of humble propriety.  

   *[Neo-Confucian scholars proclaimed: "Propriety is the principle of the universe!" Wow, what a profound statement—the rituals of human order stem from the cosmic order! Heaven and humanity are in resonance—what a marvel! The Little Heavenly Child says: The key lies in daring to break outdated conventions and beliefs. Do you dare to do it?] *  

3. **The True Virtue of Trust in Earth**:  

   Earth sustains all things, symbolizing trust and stability. By embodying the true essence of earth, practitioners can foster trust in themselves and others, cultivating a grounded approach to spiritual practice and rooting the virtue of trust in practical application.  

   *[The Pure Land School identifies "Faith" as the first pillar of spiritual progress, calling it an anchor in turbulent seas. The Little Heavenly Child says: The key lies in letting go of suspicious and delusional thoughts. Do you bear to let go?] *  

4. **The True Virtue of Righteousness in Metal**:  

   Metal represents integrity and righteousness. By harnessing the true essence of metal, practitioners can maintain moral strength amidst material desires and challenges, cultivating an unwavering sense of justice that transforms hypocrisy into pure righteousness.  

   *[Liu Jishan (Liu Zongzhou, 1578–1645) declared: "Live by righteousness, die by righteousness; in my mind and before my eyes, there is nothing but righteousness—no life or death!" The Litlle Heavenly Child says: The key lies in living fully in the world of righteousness. Are you game?] *  

5. **The True Virtue of Wisdom in Water**:  

   Water symbolizes wisdom and flow. By embracing the true essence of water, practitioners can adapt to circumstances, finding stillness within movement. The wisdom of water washes away delusions and nurtures the virtue of prajna wisdom.  

   *[Confucius said: "The benevolent love mountains; the wise love water. The benevolent are tranquil; the wise are dynamic." The Little Heavenly Child says: The key lies in a lifelong dedication to learning. Do you willingly engage yourself in life-long learning?]*  

### **Transformation Process**  

With the cultivation of the True Five Elements, **the body and mind undergo transformation**:  

1. **The "foul shell of a reincarnating body" transforms into "the miraculous Dharma-body adorned with fivefold fragrance"**:  

   Through nurturing the virtues of the Five Elements, the mundane body ceases to be a vessel of suffering and becomes the Dharma-body infused with cosmic energy and radiating sacred fragrance. 

 [Tianlai Xiaozi said: The same human body, yet different perspectives. A false Buddhist, driven by a samsaric mind, clings to the "foul shell" of the body only to reject and despise it—throwing the baby out with the bathwater! A true disciple of Buddha, however, retrieves the luminous pearl that has fallen into a cesspit, cleanses it thoroughly, airs it out to dispel the stench, and ultimately allows the radiant pearl of Buddha-nature to shine brilliantly, illuminating the human world!]

2. **Transforming the Illusory Reincarnating Mind into the True Vacant Mind of Prajna Wisdom**:  

   The external delusional mind of a false Buddhist blocks the energy flow of the inner true heart. A true Buddhist disciple, through the practice of *慎独* (self-vigilance in solitude), perceives profound mysteries and activates the cosmic energy of Buddha-nature. This liberation unbinds the true heart from the grip of delusions, realizing the "Prajna Wisdom · Prajna Virtue" and the Four Attributes of Nirvana (permanence, bliss, self, and purity) in the dynamic interplay of the four elements.  

3. **Transforming a Beginner False Buddhist into an Advanced True Buddhist Disciple**:  

   The practice of a false Buddhist has yet to reach the core of the true heart. However, through persistence in *慎独*, accumulating genuine effort over time, one can reach the *stillness within*—the "True Self within the Self" (*内圣* cultivation), representing the immovable foundation of all things in the world. This inner stillness then manifests outward as the "True Person among People" (*外王* practice), harmonizing and connecting universally. The journey of awakening, from the initial learning of a "false Buddhist" to the great practice of a "true Buddhist disciple," is a steady, step-by-step process grounded in truth and authenticity.  

### **The Key to Transformation**  

The pivot of this transformation lies in **living 100% in the present moment**:  

1. **This Moment**: The southern Vermilion Bird symbolizes the *eternity of time* within the heart (the wisdom-life continuum). Practitioners must realize the essence of time as "beginningless and endless." This very instant encompasses the infinite past and future.  

2. **This Place**: The northern Black Tortoise symbolizes the *boundlessness of space* within the body (the dharmakaya). Practitioners must perceive the essence of space as "limitless and infinite." This place is the center of the universe.  

3. **This Person**: The central Qilin symbolizes the *indeterminacy of spacetime points* (the wave-particle duality). Practitioners deeply experience the unity of body and mind in each spacetime node of this duality. One is both an independent living being and an all-encompassing, holographic lifeform intricately interconnected with the entire universe.  


### **儒释道三教合一的诠释**  

Confucianism emphasizes **inner cultivation and external harmony**, aligning with the "true self within" and "true person among people." The inner sanctity of personal cultivation—through the alignment of knowledge, intention, sincerity, and righteousness—unites seamlessly with the outer realm of governance: the cultivation of oneself, the harmonization of the family, the governance of the state, and the peace of the world. This is achieved in a single, continuous flow, all as one. 内圣面的物格知致意诚心正与外王面的身修家齐国治天下平一以贯之、一气呵成!

Buddhism focuses on **wisdom and detachment**, corresponding to "the true mind of prajna."  . The eternally abiding true heart of Prajna Vacant Wisdom (*heart essence*) and the wondrous true suchness of Supreme Bodhi (*nature essence*).般若空慧的常住真心(心体)与无上菩提的妙真如性(性体)

Taoism values **natural flow and integration**, embodying "the miraculous body of the cosmos."  The Mutual Resonance Between the Human Body Universe and the Cosmos of Heaven and Earth.  人体宇宙与天地宇宙的交相感应。

Together, they form a holistic path for transforming the body, mind, and spirit, unlocking the ultimate potential of human life.

