1. 伏羲乘龙上九天探月窟的炼气化神的能量流:
• 能量流特点:伏羲骑龙上九天,象征着修炼者通过炼气升华到更高的境界。月窟代表了阴阳的转化和道教的深层智慧。炼气化神指的是通过调节体内的气,净化心灵,从而达到神灵的境地。
• 能量流的体现:这一能量流代表了道教的修炼过程中通过“炼气”来激活身体与精神的能量。修行者通过气的运转和灵魂的升华,连接宇宙的能量,从而达到神的境地。通过此修行,修行者与宇宙的深层连接变得更加密切。
2. 伏羲激活出世间的炼神化虚并男转女身能量流:
• 能量流特点:伏羲激活出世间的炼神,指的是超越世俗的修炼,进入更为虚无的状态,超越物质世界的束缚。男转女身象征阴阳转化,体现了道教对于性别和生命本质的灵活理解,强调修行者在性别的转化中获得平衡和完整。
• 能量流的体现:这一能量流表现为通过神的炼化,修行者超越世间的束缚,进入虚无的境地。在此过程中,性别的转化不仅象征着道教修炼中阴阳的变化,也体现了道家对“无形”的智慧追求,修行者达到超越世俗的境界。
3. 女娲骑虎入九渊蹑天根的炼虚合道的能量流:
• 能量流特点:女娲骑虎进入九渊,象征着通过修炼,女娲将神秘的虚无力量与天道结合。九渊代表了深邃的智慧和大自然的深层本质,蹑天根象征着对宇宙之道的深刻领悟。炼虚合道是通过修炼虚无来达成与道的合一。
• 能量流的体现:这股能量流鼓励修行者通过虚无的修炼来合道,超越物质界限,进入更深的内在智慧。在虚无中合一,修行者通过练虚修炼达到心灵的纯净与宇宙的合一,从而实现对天道的领悟与掌握。
4. 女娲启动入世间的炼精化气并女转男身能量流:
• 能量流特点:女娲的修炼启动入世间,代表了通过炼精化气的修炼进入世俗生活中,转化为更高的能量状态。女转男身象征着对宇宙的平衡和道教阴阳的深刻理解,反映了在生活中达到内外和谐的智慧。
• 能量流的体现:这一能量流表明,修行者通过炼精化气的过程,可以将体内的精华转化为更强的生命力,在世间获得力量与智慧。性别转化象征着超越个体的局限,进一步提升修行者的精神和身体状态,推动其修行进程。
5. 中麒麟的时空点的天根月窟相往来的男女互根互用的内丹修炼的能量流:
• 能量流特点:麒麟作为道教中象征吉祥的神兽,代表着时空交错中的能量流动。男女互根互用象征着阴阳的交融和平衡。内丹修炼是道教修行中的核心,通过内在的精气神的炼化,修行者可以提升生命力,获得永生之道。
• 能量流的体现:这一能量流体现了道教内丹修炼中阴阳互根的能量交流。男女互根互用代表了道家对宇宙间阴阳平衡的深刻理解,修行者通过内丹的修炼,打通体内的气脉,达到内外和谐,最终获得长生不老的智慧。
6. 中央黄帝土的波粒性的五方上帝五方土的内圣外王的生活艺术的人身三宝精气神的能量流:
• 能量流特点:黄帝土的波粒性象征着道教对于物质与精神的深层理解,强调物质世界与精神世界的互动。五方上帝和五方土代表了道教对五行的深刻认知,结合精、气、神三宝,推动修行者实现内圣外王的理想。
• 能量流的体现:这一能量流代表着道教修行者通过精、气、神的三宝修炼,达到内在圣洁与外在王者的理想状态。修行者通过调和五行与三宝,形成内外的和谐,生活艺术与精神修养相结合,从而在物质与精神的双重世界中实现无上智慧和长生之道。
Energy Flow of Taoist Cultivation’s Four Symbols and Five Animals Diagram:
1. Fuxi Riding a Dragon to the Ninth Heaven Exploring the Moon Cavern – Energy Flow of Alchemizing Qi into Spirit:
• Characteristics of the Energy Flow: Fuxi riding a dragon to the Ninth Heaven symbolizes the cultivation of energy that transcends to higher realms. The Moon Cavern represents the transformation of Yin and Yang, as well as the deep wisdom of Taoism. Alchemizing Qi into Spirit refers to the process of refining and purifying one’s internal energy, leading to a higher spiritual state.
• Embodiment of the Energy Flow: This energy flow embodies Taoist cultivation through the refinement of Qi, activating both the body and spirit. By circulating and refining Qi within, practitioners connect to the energy of the universe, achieving a divine state. This process enhances the practitioner’s spiritual connection with the cosmos.
2. Fuxi Activating the Outworldly Principle of Li and Morality, Transforming from Male to Female – Energy Flow:
• Characteristics of the Energy Flow: Fuxi activating the outworldly principle of Li represents transcending the mundane and entering a realm of higher moral order. Transforming from male to female symbolizes the Taoist understanding of Yin and Yang, highlighting balance and completeness in one’s spiritual cultivation.
• Embodiment of the Energy Flow: This energy flow represents the transcendence of worldly boundaries through the refinement of one’s spirit, where transformation of gender signifies a deep understanding of the Taoist equilibrium. The practitioner transcends the material world, stepping into the realm of spiritual unity and balance.
3. Nuwa Riding a Tiger into the Nine Abyss, Treading the Root of Heaven – Energy Flow of Alchemizing Emptiness into Unity with Tao:
• Characteristics of the Energy Flow: Nuwa riding a tiger and entering the Nine Abyss represents the path of cultivating emptiness and merging with the Tao. The Nine Abyss symbolizes profound wisdom and the deep essence of nature, while treading the root of Heaven signifies a profound understanding of the cosmic order.
• Embodiment of the Energy Flow: This energy flow encourages practitioners to cultivate emptiness and align with the Tao, transcending the physical world and entering a deeper state of inner wisdom. By merging with the Tao through emptiness, the practitioner connects to the deeper truths of the universe.
4. Nuwa Activating Human Nature’s Wisdom and Morality, Transforming from Female to Male – Energy Flow of Refining Essence into Qi:
• Characteristics of the Energy Flow: Nuwa’s initiation into the world of human nature involves the cultivation of wisdom and morality. Transforming from female to male symbolizes the balance of Yin and Yang, reflecting the Taoist understanding of spiritual equilibrium. Refining essence into Qi represents the Taoist process of cultivating vitality and strength.
• Embodiment of the Energy Flow: This energy flow signifies the refining of essence into Qi, enhancing the practitioner’s life force and spiritual vitality. Gender transformation symbolizes the practitioner’s balance between the Yin and Yang aspects of self, elevating the state of mind and body for higher cultivation.
5. Central Qilin’s Temporal and Spatial Point, Mutual Rooting of Male and Female Energies in the Moon Cavern – Internal Alchemy Energy Flow:
• Characteristics of the Energy Flow: The Qilin, symbolizing auspiciousness, represents the dynamic interaction of energy across time and space. The mutual rooting of male and female energies embodies the Taoist balance of Yin and Yang. Internal alchemy refers to the Taoist practice of refining the internal energies (Qi, Jing, and Shen) to achieve spiritual immortality.
• Embodiment of the Energy Flow: This energy flow emphasizes the mutual interaction of male and female energies, highlighting the Taoist concept of Yin-Yang balance. Through internal alchemy, the practitioner refines Qi, Jing, and Shen, activating their internal energy for spiritual and physical enhancement, ultimately achieving higher states of being.
6. Central Yellow Emperor’s Earth, Wave-Particle Nature, Five Gods of Five Directions and Five Earths – Energy Flow of Inner Sage and Outer King, Human Three Treasures Energy Flow:
• Characteristics of the Energy Flow: The Yellow Emperor’s Earth represents the fundamental force of the earth, where wave-particle nature symbolizes the interaction of matter and spirit. The Five Gods of the Five Directions and Five Earths embody Taoist wisdom and cosmology. The Inner Sage and Outer King concept reflects the cultivation of inner spiritual purity and outer worldly achievements.
• Embodiment of the Energy Flow: This energy flow combines the principles of Taoism, emphasizing the cultivation of the Three Treasures: Jing (Essence), Qi (Energy), and Shen (Spirit). Through the integration of the Five Elements and the balance of Yin and Yang, the practitioner achieves harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. This leads to the realization of spiritual immortality and the mastery of life’s wisdom.
The energy flow of Taoist cultivation’s Four Symbols and Five Animals Diagram focuses on refining the internal energies of Qi, Jing, and Shen to connect with the Tao and transcend the material world. Practices such as alchemizing Qi into Spirit, alchemizing emptiness into unity with the Tao, and refining essence into Qi are central to achieving a harmonious balance between the internal and external. Transformation of gender symbolizes the understanding and integration of Yin and Yang, while internal alchemy enhances the practitioner’s spiritual and physical vitality. Ultimately, through Taoist cultivation, the practitioner connects to the universe’s energy, achieving spiritual immortality and mastery over the natural world.