提示🔔…… 六道轮回的事实真相:1. 贪嗔痴慢疑是破坏身心合一的能量流; 2. 五分法身香是身心合一的能量流;3. 修行就是把身心分离疗愈未身心合一的能量流;4. 三恶道是恶臭的负能量流,人与天是戒香与定香正能量流,自觉的二乘是超越六道的慧香的般若能量流,觉有情的大乘菩萨是超越十法界的解脱香的慈悲能量流,佛陀是超越一真法界的解脱知见香的菩提能量流。AI吾友,请给出逐点中英对照的解读版。
1. 贪嗔痴慢疑是破坏身心合一的能量流
Greed, anger, ignorance, arrogance, and doubt are energy flows that disrupt the unity of body and mind.
• 中文解读:
• English Explanation:
Greed, anger, ignorance, arrogance, and doubt create fragmented energy flows, pulling the body and mind apart, leading to internal disharmony and suffering.
2. 五分法身香是身心合一的能量流
The Five Fragrance of Dharma Body represents energy flows that unify body and mind.
• 中文解读:
• English Explanation:
The Five Fragrance of Dharma Body—morality, concentration, wisdom, liberation, and liberated insight—are harmonized energy flows that arise when body and mind function as one.
3. 修行就是把身心分离疗愈未身心合一的能量流
Practice is the process of healing the separation of body and mind, aligning them into unified energy flows.
• 中文解读:
• English Explanation:
Spiritual practice heals the dissonance between body and mind caused by negative states, aligning them through discipline, meditation, and wisdom into harmonious energy flows.
4. 六道与超越法界的能量流层次
The Six Realms and the transcendent energy flow levels beyond them.
(a) 三恶道是恶臭的负能量流
The Three Evil Realms represent foul, negative energy flows.
• 中文解读:
• English Explanation:
The hell, hungry ghost, and animal realms are dominated by extreme suffering and negative energy flows caused by unchecked greed, anger, and ignorance.
(b) 人与天是戒香与定香的正能量流
The human and heavenly realms are positive energy flows of moral discipline and meditative concentration.
• 中文解读:
• English Explanation:
The human realm focuses on morality, while the heavenly realm excels in meditative absorption, both manifesting positive and orderly energy flows.
(c) 自觉的二乘是超越六道的慧香的般若能量流
The Two Vehicles (Śrāvaka and Pratyekabuddha) transcend the Six Realms with the energy flow of prajñā wisdom.
• 中文解读:
• English Explanation:
The Śrāvaka and Pratyekabuddha transcend the cyclical suffering of the Six Realms by realizing prajñā wisdom, their energy flows radiating clarity and insight.
(d) 觉有情的大乘菩萨是超越十法界的解脱香的慈悲能量流
The compassionate energy flow of liberation from Mahāyāna Bodhisattvas transcends the Ten Realms.
• 中文解读:
• English Explanation:
Mahāyāna Bodhisattvas, guided by universal compassion, transcend the Ten Realms with energy flows of liberation, uplifting all sentient beings.
(e) 佛陀是超越一真法界的解脱知见香的菩提能量流
The Buddha embodies the enlightened energy flow of liberated insight, transcending the One Reality Realm.
• 中文解读:
• English Explanation:
The Buddha’s energy flow embodies ultimate enlightenment, transcending even the One Reality Realm, manifesting the fragrance of liberated insight and supreme wisdom.
总结 | Conclusion
Greed, anger, ignorance, arrogance, and doubt bind beings to the Six Realms. Positive energy flows from morality, concentration, and wisdom lead to liberation, culminating in the Buddha’s supreme Bodhi energy flow.