1. 伏羲乘龙上九天探月窟的回俗向真能量流
• 能量流特征:伏羲作为天人合一的象征,乘龙上九天,意在探索宇宙的奥秘与真理,体现了一种回归本真、追求智慧的力量。伏羲象征着超越世俗界限,深入探寻宇宙与人心的内在联系。
• 能量流表现:这股能量流是修行者从尘世的烦扰中回归至纯净的灵性本源,象征着修行者从世俗事务中回归真理,追求超越的觉悟。在修行的过程中,外界的纷扰逐渐消散,内心的智慧逐渐显现,仿佛穿越云层,看到了宇宙的本质。
2. 伏羲激活出世间的般若空慧心并男转女身能量流
• 能量流特征:伏羲激活般若空慧心,意味着觉悟的智慧开始透过空性显现,修行者开始脱离对世俗的依赖,进入一种更深层次的觉醒与悟道。同时,男转女身象征着对阴阳两极的深度整合,体现了修行中的性别转化与身心合一。
• 能量流表现:这一能量流表现为修行者的内在智慧从觉悟走向彻底的空性。通过激活般若智慧,修行者不仅实现了精神上的转化,还在身心上经历了一种深刻的性别与能量的统一,突破了传统的二元对立,达到超越的自由境地。
3. 女娲骑虎入九渊蹑天根的回真向俗能量流
• 能量流特征:女娲骑虎入九渊,意象象征着从深奥的宇宙本源回到现实世界,回到人间的生活与实践。她的行动不仅体现了与自然的和谐,也表明修行者将内在的觉悟与智慧带回世俗,服务人间。
• 能量流表现:这股能量流鼓励修行者在完成内心的觉醒后,将智慧与慈悲带入人间,帮助社会和他人。通过修行,个人的内在能量得以激发,并能在现实生活中落实到具体的行动和服务中,体现出大智慧、大慈悲。
4. 女娲启动入世间的无相慈悲心并女转男身能量流
• 能量流特征:女娲的无相慈悲心体现了佛教中“无相”的思想,即慈悲并非有形的,而是一种无所不包、无所不在的精神力量。女转男身的能量流进一步说明了性别的流动与修行中的能量互通,象征着修行者超越固有身份与形式的限制。
• 能量流表现:修行者通过启动无相慈悲心,突破了形式的束缚,能够在任何情境中展现慈悲与智慧。性别的转化在这一过程中并非外在的改变,而是内在心性的变化,象征着人类超越了具体的形式与身份,实现了身心的无碍与和谐。
5. 中麒麟的时空点的天根月窟相往来的男女互根互用能量流
• 能量流特征:麒麟象征着天地之间的中道与平衡,天根与月窟之间的互动表示着宇宙的深层连接。男女互根互用的能量流意味着阴阳之间相互依存、相互转化,体现了修行中阴阳调和的智慧。
• 能量流表现:这一能量流表达了修行者在天地之间的和谐与平衡,能够在男性与女性的能量中找到自己的定位与和谐。天根与月窟的交流象征着修行者在超越物质的时空局限后,能够通达更加深远的宇宙智慧与能量。
6. 中央黄帝土的波粒性的五方上帝五方土的活神仙的生活艺术能量流
• 能量流特征:黄帝象征着中土与五行的结合,他不仅是文明的象征,更是天地人三才的和谐体现。五方上帝与五方土的结合代表了宇宙中的五种基本元素,它们交织成修行中的生命艺术,体现了物质与精神、宇宙与人心的结合。
• 能量流表现:这一能量流表现为修行者在物质与精神的双重世界中寻求平衡与和谐。通过理解五行与波粒性相互交融的智慧,修行者不仅在物质世界中活出智慧与艺术,也在精神层面找到生命的真谛与价值。
Energy Flow of the Four Symbols and Five Birds in Buddhist Practice:
1. Energy Flow of Fuxi Riding a Dragon to the Nine Heavens and Exploring the Moon Cave — Returning from the World to the True Source:
• Energy Flow Characteristics: Fuxi, as a symbol of unity between heaven and humanity, rides a dragon to the nine heavens to explore the mysteries and truths of the universe, embodying a return to the true source and the pursuit of wisdom. Fuxi represents transcending worldly boundaries to delve into the inner connection between the cosmos and the human heart.
• Energy Flow Manifestation: This energy flow symbolizes the practitioner’s return to the pure, spiritual essence from worldly distractions. It reflects the process of gradually eliminating external disturbances and manifesting inner wisdom, as if breaking through the clouds to witness the essence of the universe.
2. Energy Flow of Fuxi Activating the Transcendent Wisdom of the Empty Prajna Mind and Transforming from Male to Female:
• Energy Flow Characteristics: Fuxi activating the transcendent wisdom of the prajna mind means that awakening wisdom begins to manifest through the emptiness of existence. The practitioner starts to detach from worldly attachments and enters a deeper level of awakening. The transformation from male to female symbolizes the deep integration of the yin-yang duality, reflecting the complete spiritual and physical transformation in the process of cultivation.
• Energy Flow Manifestation: This energy flow reflects the practitioner’s inner wisdom transitioning from awakening to complete emptiness. By activating prajna wisdom, the practitioner not only undergoes a spiritual transformation but also experiences a profound unification of gender and energy, transcending dualities and reaching a state of supreme freedom.
3. Energy Flow of Nuwa Riding a Tiger into the Nine Abyss and Treading the Roots of Heaven — Returning to Truth and Entering the World:
• Energy Flow Characteristics: Nuwa riding a tiger into the Nine Abyss symbolizes the journey from profound cosmic origins back to the practical world, returning to human life and action. Her actions embody harmony with nature, signaling that the practitioner brings the inner awakening and wisdom back to the mundane world for the benefit of all beings.
• Energy Flow Manifestation: This energy flow encourages practitioners, after achieving inner awakening, to bring wisdom and compassion into the world. Through cultivation, the practitioner’s inner energy is activated and translated into concrete actions and service to others, demonstrating great wisdom and compassion in real life.
4. Energy Flow of Nuwa Activating the Worldly Formless Compassion and Transforming from Female to Male:
• Energy Flow Characteristics: Nuwa’s formless compassion represents the Buddhist concept of “formlessness,” where compassion is not tangible but instead an omnipresent spiritual force. The transformation from female to male in this context reflects the fluidity of gender and energy in cultivation, symbolizing the practitioner’s transcendence of the limitations of form and identity.
• Energy Flow Manifestation: This energy flow represents the practitioner breaking free from form-based constraints, allowing compassion and wisdom to manifest without boundaries. The transformation in gender is not an external change but a shift in the practitioner’s inner nature, achieving a state of harmony and freedom in mind and body.
5. Energy Flow of the Central Qilin’s Temporal Point and the Interchanging Roots of Heaven and Moon, with Male and Female Energy Interacting:
• Energy Flow Characteristics: The Qilin symbolizes the balance and middle way between heaven and earth, with the interaction between the roots of heaven and moon representing the deep connection between the universe’s fundamental forces. The mutual interdependence and transformation of male and female energy reflect the wisdom of balancing yin and yang in cultivation.
• Energy Flow Manifestation: This energy flow expresses the practitioner’s harmony and balance between heaven and earth, finding their own position in the unified interplay of male and female energies. The communication between the roots of heaven and moon symbolizes the practitioner’s ability to transcend material limitations and access deeper cosmic wisdom and energy.
6. Energy Flow of the Central Yellow Emperor’s Earth and the Wave-Particle Nature of the Five Gods of the Five Directions, Living as Divine Immortals with Artistic Life:
• Energy Flow Characteristics: The Yellow Emperor symbolizes the integration of the five elements and the central earth. He represents not only civilization but also the harmony between heaven, earth, and humanity. The five gods and five elements combined represent the interaction between material and spiritual realms, showcasing a life of divine wisdom and artistic expression.
• Energy Flow Manifestation: This energy flow represents the practitioner seeking balance and harmony in both material and spiritual worlds. By understanding the interrelation of the five elements and wave-particle duality, the practitioner not only embodies wisdom and art in the material world but also discovers the true meaning and value of life in the spiritual realm.
The energy flows in the Four Symbols and Five Birds in Buddhist practice blend ancient wisdom and modern understanding. They encompass profound themes such as gender transformation, the balance of yin and yang, unity of body and mind, and the deep connection between the universe and humanity. Each energy flow represents the practitioner’s journey from inner awakening to outward expression, transcending limitations and achieving the ultimate state of wisdom, compassion, and spiritual freedom. Through this energy flow, the practitioner transcends the boundaries of self, freely navigating between the worldly and transcendental realms to reach enlightenment.